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可见肝中央静脉的肝小叶中央区。Here is the centrilobular portion of liver next to a central vein.

暗红色淤血区表示肝小叶中心区的红细胞积聚。Note the dark red congested regions that represent accumulation of RBC's in centrilobular regions.

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许多疾病都可以出现这种小叶中心型阴影的表现。A number of diseases can result in the presence of opacities that appear predominantly centrilobular on HRCT.

HRCT上的表现包括支气管壁增厚,边缘模糊的小叶中心型结节、小叶实变。HRCT findings include bronchial wall thickening, ill-defined centrilobular nodules, and lobular consolidation.

图示中央静脉旁的肝小叶中央部,肝细胞体积缩小或缺氧坏死。Here is the centrilobular portion of liver next to a central vein. The cells have reduced in size or been lost from hypoxia.

由于次级肺小叶大小相似,故此小叶中心型的结节大小均匀一致。Because of the similar size of secondary lobules, centrilobular nodules often appear to be evenly spaced throughout the lung.

支气管血管周围亦可见结节,亦可见于小叶间隔及中心区。Peribronchovascular nodules are visible. Nodules in relation to the interlobular septa and centrilobular regions are also seen.

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少数情况下小叶中心支气管充气,可见环形影中的小叶中心结节。In occasional cases, the air-filled centrilobular bronchiole can be recognized as a rounded lucency within a centrilobular nodule.

在硅肺,病灶常包绕呼吸性细支气管,以小叶中心区为主。As in patients with silicosis, these abnormalities tend to surround respiratory bronchioles and are primarily centrilobular in location.

这些结节呈小叶中心型分布,可能的诊断包括多种感染和非感染性疾病。These nodules have a centrilobular distribution, and the differential diagnosis includes a number of infectious and noninfectious diseases.

当腺泡近端的呼吸性细支气管扩张,而远端的肺泡扩张不明显,腺泡中央型肺气肿就会发生。Centrilobular emphysema occurs with loss of the respiratory bronchioles in the proximal portion of the acinus, with sparing of distal alveoli.

扫描显示上肺和中肺多处支气管扩张,边界不清的大结节,小叶中心型结节及树芽征。Scans show multiple areas of bronchiectasis involving the upper and middle lobe, large ill-defined nodules , small centrilobular nodules and "tree-in-bud."

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本例可见小叶中心型结节,并支气管壁增厚,轻度支气管扩张。多处可见树芽征。A centrilobular pattern of nodules is visible, associated with bronchial wall thickening, and mild bronchiectasis. Tree in bud is visible in many locations.

未见胸膜下结节,部分结节位于小气道旁或内见气影,为扩张的小叶中心支气管。Subpleural nodules are not visible, and some nodules are clearly related to small airways or contain a central lucency , representing a centrilobular bronchiole.

因为次级小叶大小相似,即使病变肺区呈斑片状,病肺内的结节也较均匀一致。Because of the similar size of secondary lobules, centrilobular nodules often appear to be evenly spaced in abnormal lung regions, although overall lung involvement can be patchy.

可见小叶中心的支气管动脉及许多小叶的轮廓,这有助于辨别增厚的间质。Note that the centrilobular pulmonary artery branch is visible within a number of pulmonary lobules outlined by thickened septa. This is helpful in identifying the lines as thickened septa.

支气管血管周围结节清晰可见,大量的结节包绕支气管及血管周围,小叶中心及小叶间隔亦可见。Peribronchovascular nodules are clearly seen, and numerous nodules surround the central bronchi and vessels. Nodules in relation to the interlobular septa and centrilobular regions are also seen.

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本例可见大小不一、边界不清的多发性结节,以支气管血管周围间质及小叶中心区为主,亦可见小叶间隔增厚。Small and large, ill-defined lung nodules are isible, predominating in relation to the peribronchoascular interstitium and in a centrilobular location. Interlobular septal thickening is also isible.