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很快,装甲先头部队就从周围接近了他们的猎物。Soon, panzer spearheads were closing around their prey.

装甲精英侦查车生命值从220增加到260。Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260.

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装甲教导师和第二装甲师一直在西线作战。Panzer Lehr and the 2nd Panzer Division remained in the west.

二战德军装甲部队的军装,没有镶边。For unmounted units, the WWII German Panzer two piece uniform.

装甲精英步兵半履带车生命由300降低至285。Panzer Elite Infantry Halftrack health reduced from 300 to 285.

至少有一个,第十装甲师的连在此驻扎。At least one company from the 10th Panzer grenadiers dug in here.

装甲精英车辆现在正确地使用装甲精英组员。Panzer Elite vehicles should visually use proper Panzer Elite crews.

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装甲精英迫击炮半履带车弹幕炮弹发射间隔时间增加1秒。Panzer elite mortar halftrack barrage tuned by adding1s to each cool down.

于是,按怀特的话说,我们选择俯冲轰炸并猛攻一个坦克部队。So, in Wright's words, we opted to dive bomb and strafe a panzer division.

坚强的装甲部队被这些幸存者的低落的士气所震惊。The hardened panzer troops were shocked at the poor morale of the survivors.

希姆莱的亲信中也有一小部分在武装党卫队装甲师。There was a small core of Himmler cronies in the Waffen-SS panzer divisions.

装甲精英反坦克炮半履带击毁履带技能射程由45米降低为32米。Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Treadbreaker ability range decreased from 45 to 32.

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曼施泰因元帅再一次聚集他的装甲部队投入前线。Field Marshal Manstein again gathered his panzer fire brigade to stabilize the front.

为了进行这项工作,每个步兵军和每个装甲师都配有近程侦察机中队。Short-range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer divisions for this work.

由新近整修过的装甲集团军支持的XY正在埋伏,准备迎接正在到来的进攻。XY supported by a newly refitted Panzer group are laying in wait for the incoming attack.

大家知道,装甲集团军是闪电战战术中最为重要的部分。As we know, the Panzer Army Group is one of the most significant divisions in the Blitzkrieg.

以20辆IV型坦克为先导,“霍亨斯陶芬”师开始攻击美军凶猛的反坦克火力。Led by 20 Panzer IVs, the Hohenstaufen advanced in the face of heavy American anti-tank fire.

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第21装甲师在卡昂北部与英军桥头堡部队作战。The 21st Panzer Division was already in action north of Caen against the British bridgeheads.

装甲精英反坦克炮半履带击毁履带技能弹药消耗由25增加为40。Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Treadbreaker ability cost increased from 25 munitions to 40 munitions.

斯科尔泽内的第150装甲旅比党卫队第1装甲军其他单位的境地要好一点。Skorzeny's 150th Panzer Brigade fared little better than the other elements of I SS Panzer Corps.