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田野穿上绯红色的衣袍。The field a scarlet gown.

田野穿上多彩的礼服。The field as carlet gown.

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穿着他祖母的宽外袍。In his Grandmother's gown.

华丽的拖地礼服。Gorgeous floor-length gown.

晚上穿的一种非常正式的礼服。A gown cut on princesse lines.

用最细的羊毛织一条长袍。A gown made of the finest wool.

你订方顶帽和长袍了吗?Did you order your cap and gown?

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护士,给他拿套手术服和手套。Nurse, get him a gown and gloves.

妇女穿的宽松的晨衣。A loose dressing gown or negligee.

你有没有去拿你的方帽跟礼服呢?Did you get your cap and gown yet?

地势向海面倾斜。The ground slopes gown to the sea.

这顶方帽和毕业服穿在我身上,看起来很不对劲!This cap and gown look funny on me!

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请再给我拿件晨衣来.Please bring me a dressing gown too.

1961年,赫本身着晚礼服。Hepburns wears an evening gown in 1961.

她身穿一件紫色披肩,桃红色长袍。She is in a purplish mantle, pink gown.

好的,这件低胸晚装怎么样?Ok, what about this low cut evening gown?

中国人穿长衫和裤子。Chinese people wear a long gown and pants.

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我敢说,赫斯脱太太衣服上的花边--”说到这里又给岔断了。I dare say the lace upon Mrs. Hurst's gown

也落向太太们的软帽、披巾、长袍。Upon each women's bonnet, shawl, and gown.

我不想穿史嘉丽的长裙!I don't want to wear Scarlett's gown dress!