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我们有几部汽车。We own several cars.

我们这有好几位姓张的。We have several Zhangs.

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我有几个关心的事。I have several concerns.

我有几点想法。I have several thoughts.

这里表达了几件事It shows several things.

他写过几首芭蕾舞曲。He wrote several ballets.

里面是几个球茎。Inside lay several bulks.

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他已导演了几部影片。He has made several films.

那紧逼有几种呢?Several kinds are offered.

卢府上有好几个孩子。They had several children.

加入一个组织-或者几个。Join a group -- or several.

她为几首歌曲灌了唱片。She recorded several songs.

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我还富余几张票。I have several spare ticket.

如果你像我一样---要好几次。If you’re like me — several.

几种不同的邮箱。Several different mailboxes.

有几块农田被淹没了。Several farms were overflown.

我们有以下几个课程目标。The course has several goals.

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可能有以下几个原因。There can be several reasons.

有几件事需要我们去做。We need to do several things.

你掉了几粒米。You have fallen several rice.