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我妈的坐骨神经痛又犯了。Mom’s sciatica was acting up.

掌握坐骨神经痛的定义。Master the definition of sciatica.

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如何鉴别干性和根性坐骨神经痛?。How to indentify the sciatica of nerve roots and nerve trunk?

根性及干性坐骨神经痛的鉴别。The differential diagnosis of sciatica of nerve roots and nerve trunk.

低位的骶神经受压产生疼痛,和坐骨神经痛是不同的。And compression of lower sacral nerve roots produces pain unlike that of sciatica.

阿椎间盘突出神经印刷机上可以引起背部疼痛或手臂疼痛或坐骨神经痛。A herniated disk that presses on a nerve can cause back pain or arm pain or sciatica.

对腰坐骨神经痛,椎间盘突出和关节疼痛适当的治疗是一个挑战。The appropriate treatment of lumbar sciatica , disk herniation and joint pain is a challenge.

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这些症状通常被称为神经根病,而腿部的症状也可称为坐骨神经痛。These symptoms are commonly called radiculopathy, and leg symptoms may also be called sciatica.

坐骨神经痛是疼痛,乏力,麻木或刺痛,可以开始在腰部和运行下来甚至到了脚趾。Sciatica is pain, weakness, numbness or tingling that can begin in the lower back and run down even to the toes.

少数病人在造影后有头痛、恶心、坐骨神经痛加重等不良反应。A few patient has after radiography have a headache, the harmful response such as accentuation of disgusting, sciatica.

各种疾病引起与坐骨神经相连的神经根的炎症或压迫均可引起坐骨神经痛。Sciatica can be caused by a variety of conditions that cause inflammation or pressure on the nerve roots connected to the sciatic nerve.

然而,对慢性坐骨神经痛的一种新保守疗法的前景是鼓舞人心的,而更进一步的研究业已启动。Nevertheless, the prospect of a new, non-surgical approach for chronic sciatica is exciting, and further investigation is already underway.

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目的观察委中穴刺血拔罐配合针刺治疗坐骨神经痛的疗效。Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of point Weizhong blood-letting puncture and cupping plus acupuncture for treating sciatica.

这是对肌肉紧绷压迫脊柱问题的深层腰肌伸展运动,侧倾骨盆对坐骨神经痛和脊柱疼痛有利。This is a stretch for the deep psoas muscle that when tight compresses the lumber spine, tilts the pelvis and can contribute to sciatica and lumber pain.

只要是有肌肉拉伤、韧带骨骼发炎、高血压、心脏病、坐骨神经痛、骨质酥松等等毛病的人,都不能坐按摩椅。Anyone suffering from a muscle strain, inflammation of ligaments, high blood pressure, heart disease, sciatica or osteoporosis should not use a massage chair.

大腿后侧的疼痛是坐骨神经痛最剧烈部位,被描述为具有一种“烧灼样”感觉。Pain in the posterior thigh tends to be the sharpest component of sciatica and may be described as having an associated superficial "burning-sensitive" feeling.

梨状肌综合征是指由于梨状肌损伤或炎性反应,刺激、压迫坐骨神经所引起的一侧臀腿疼痛或坐骨神经放射痛为主的病症。Piriformis syndrome is characterized by painful thigh and sciatica caused by piriformis muscle strain, inflammatory reaction or stimulation and oppressive sciatica.

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本周在一项II期随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验中揭晓了几十万慢性坐骨神经痛患者的治疗新希望。New hope for hundreds of thousands of people suffering from chronic sciatica was revealed this week in a Phase II randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

因此,在椎管内,纤维环的破裂与少量髓核组织的突出,不会见到明显的突出,但足以诱发坐骨神经痛的症状。Thus, annular disruption with a discrete leakage of nucleus pulposus material in the spinal canal, with no visible herniation, could be sufficient to induce symptoms of sciatica.