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我将为你的研究指拨一笔款项。I will earmark this money for your research.

谁在和浪费的拨款项目花销作斗争?Who fought against wasteful and earmark spending?

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或者留出每周四的晚上一起比赛桌上足球,然后品尝圣代冰淇淋。Or earmark Thursday nights for a foosball tournament followed by ice cream sundaes.

公司决定从今年的利润中提存一部分用作证券投资。The company has decided to earmark a portion of this year's profits to invest in securities.

我也要求国会继续特别款项改革,我们已经削减了部分开支,但为了重新赢得民众信任,我们必须做的更多。But restoring the public trust demands more. For example, some members of Congress post some earmark requests online.

从物理、电子、行为以及化学各方面来说,我们的这对传声板都是我们这一种族的天然标记。Mechanically, electrically, behaviorally and cosmetically, our paired sounding boards are a genuine earmark of our species.

在过去两周,布什和国会共和党等人在额外开支和滥用指定款项问题上痛击民主党。Over the past two weeks, Bush and Congressional Republicans alike have hammered Democrats on excessive spending and earmark abuse.

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今年早些时候小城市格兰德维的市议会愤怒地谴责了其为一个水塔争取的50万拨款。Earlier this year the council of the small city of Grandview angrily denounced a half-million-dollar earmark he had secured for a water tower.

只要削减可随意支配的开支,改变庇护着社会主义和公共广播的微薄专用资金或零基金的用途——然后,变!政府预算平衡了。Just cut discretionary spending, redirect the odd earmark or zero fund that nest of socialism, public broadcasting – and, hey presto, the budget is balanced.

法国出台的经济刺激计划是欧洲各国政府通过拨出巨款来帮助各自萎靡不振的经济重新充满活力的一系列建议中的最新一个。The French plan is the latest of a series of proposals by various European governments to earmark massive amounts of money to help reinvigorate their moribund economies.

这些数字根据他们所拥有的股票数量和估算银行指定盈利的百分比作为股息分发。These figures are based on the number of shares the executives own and estimates from the banks about the percentage of earnings they plan to earmark for dividend payments.

韩文中还存在着字数和平仄基本保持着“四六文”的原有特征、而两句间的对偶和韵律已不复存在的“亚骈句”形态。In HAN Yu's prose exist some sentences that have retained the rhythmical earmark of the parallel prose but lost its antithetical characteristic, which we call "sub-parallel style sentences."

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假如有可能,购买一张可以自由调整高度的方桌或圆桌也是很理想的,架高时可当作餐桌,调低后又可充作茶几。If likely, the square table that buys a piece to be able to adjust height freely or round-table also be very ideal, frame tall when can regard as mensal , move low after but earmark tea table.