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喜欢跟你十指相扣。Love with you ten clasp.

保险搭扣扣不上。The safety catch won't clasp.

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波浪和婆浪相抱相拥。And the waves clasp one another.

在CLASP中新的安全活动New security activities in CLASP

她扣好项链上的搭扣。She caught the clasp on her necklace.

她钟爱地紧抱着她的孩子。She held her child in a loving clasp.

袖口有魔术贴的皮带扣。The wristband has a velcro strap clasp.

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不锈钢折叠式表扣闭合。Stainless steel fold-over clasp closure.

它并不拱手向朱庇特大神祈祷。It does not clasp its hands and pray to Jupiter.

试穿的时候,先试最宽松的扣子。When trying it on, always start on the loosest clasp.

试穿的时分,先试最宽松的扣子。When trying it on, always start on the loosest clasp.

亨利将它捡起来并紧握住莫丽的手。Henry picked it up and held Molly's hand in a firm clasp.

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蒂托的手第一次紧紧地握住了她的手。Tito's hand met hers in a strong clasp for the first time.

拥抱被天使叫作丽诺尔的少女,她美丽娇艳。Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.

而且它还有一个隐藏的安全锁来确保安全。It also features a hidden clasp with a safety lock for security.

那牛仔买了一顶下侧有饰扣的几十。The cowboy bought a hat with a decorative CLASP on the downside.

他们注视着黑影,他们双膝跪下,两手合十。They gaze on the darkness, they kneel, and they clasp their hands.

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我曾试图把谁拥在臂弯?梦永远不可能被俘获。Whom do I try to clasp in my arms?Dreams can never be made captive.

她坐在那里紧张地摆弄着手提包的扣钩。She had sat there twiddling nervously with the clasp of her handbag.

漂亮的新综合精钢表链蝴蝶表扣闭合。Beautiful new integrated steel bracelet with butterfly clasp closure.