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骨鲠在喉,一吐方快。A fishbone stuck in my throat.

一根鱼刺卡在他喉咙里了。A fishbone stuck in his throat.

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一根鱼刺卡在他的喉咙里。A fishbone lodged in his throat.

她咳嗽了一下,呕出一根鱼骨头。She coughed and choked up a fishbone.

设法把卡在喉咙里的鱼骨咳出来。Try to cough out the fishbone in your throat.

为原因和效果图或鱼骨图添加一个鱼骨框架。Adds a fish frame for cause-and-effect or fishbone diagrams.

情报处密室里的档案,这是鱼刺最关心的。Intelligence room files, this is most concerned about the fishbone.

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使用鱼骨图分析了影响成型件产品质量的各种因素。The factors which affect the quality of the part was analyzed with the fishbone.

拖到绘图页后,可以为因果图或鱼骨图添加鱼骨框架。Drag onto the page to add a fish frame for cause-and-effect or fishbone diagrams.

十天后,迪奥因心脏病发作去世后,就哽咽一鱼刺在晚宴。Ten days later Dior died of a heart attack after choking on a fishbone at dinner.

一根鱼骨鲠在他喉咙里,他挣扎了许久,总算把它嚥下去了。A fishbone got stuck in his throat, and after a long wrestle, he managed to swallow it down.

瞭解鱼骨图及管制图的用途和制作方法,并学习如何应用。Understanding of Fishbone diagram and Control Chart uses and design methods, and learning how to apply.

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“这就像在烹饪,”来自赛普拉斯-曼德拉培训中心的工人布莱恩·戴维斯说。“It kind of got cooking,” Brian Davis, one of the Cypress-Mandela workers, said about the fishbone meal.

利用鱼骨刺因果分析法进行研究,确定关键因素,制定整改和防范措施。The fishbone casual method is used to confirm critical factors and make creative measures and countermeasures.

现有鱼骨模理论是建立在理想磁流体近似基础上的,它预言有两支不稳定分支。Theoretical analyses of fishbone modes based on the ideal MHD framework have predicted that two branches of modes exists.

我们提出一例鱼骨呑入,穿过肠壁并移走至腹壁形成腹壁脓疡之病例报告。We report a case of small intestine penetration by a fishbone with migration to the abdominal wall and abscess formation.

食用鱼时应专心,避免鱼与食物相混,饮食速度要减缓。Paying attention to eat fish, avoiding eating fish mixed with other food, and eating slowly can reduce fishbone ingestion.

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一袋磨碎的鱼骨粉,它会被混入土壤,以中和其中的铅。美国的军事基地已经采取了这种中和方式去处理铅污染。A sack of crushed fishbone that is worked into the soil to neutralize the lead. The process has been used at military bases.

本文研究的鱼骨休闲食品是利用斑点叉尾鮰鱼加工下脚料——鱼脊骨加工成的。This paper studies the fishbone snack food which was made by the fishbone—the waste of Channel Catfish after its processing.

关于鱼骨形分支井产能计算方法,目前国内外尚未见到专门报道。The method for calculating productivity of fishbone multilateral wells is never reported specially in the literatures up to date.