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保加利亚骑士的费厄泼赖奖现在给出了。Bulgarian Cavalier of Fairplay award is now given out.

他在花费支出上的大手大脚令全国选民为之愤慨。A cavalier attitude to expenses incensed voters at home.

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其他信件则暗示了对法规的轻慢态度。Other missives suggest a cavalier attitude to the rules.

豪侠相逢好弟兄,竹篱茆舍聚双星。Cavalier meet good brothers, Zhu Li Mao homes together binary.

他把冰雪披戴在在肩膀,他是孤傲的末代王爵。He put on ice wearing the shoulder, he is proud of the last Cavalier.

查理斯王小猎犬具有遗传性退行性二尖瓣病变。Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have an inherited form of this disease.

他把冰雪披戴在肩膀,他是孤傲的世末王爵。He put on the ice wearing the shoulder, he is proud the last Cavalier.

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他把冰雪披戴在肩膀,他是孤傲的签代王爵。He put on the ice wearing the shoulder, he is proud of the last Cavalier.

这不足为奇,由于船长的答话透着不客气。Nor was that wonderful, seeing how cavalier had been the captain's answer.

他应该有绅士风度,豁大胸襟,宽宏气量,可以包容,原谅和讨好她?He should be the broad-minded cavalier who will tolerate, forgive and flatter her.

埃丽是一只年幼的骑士查理王猎犬,她几乎已完全失明。Ellie, a young cavalier King Charles spaniel in England, is almost completely blind.

按日本战国的习惯,这个模仿者被称为影子武士。Press the habit of Japanese the Warring States, this copyist is called shadow cavalier.

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无论是怎么回事,这个犯罪似乎在这个阳光普照的州比别的地方更加普遍。Whatever the reason, the crime appears to be getting more cavalier in the Sunshine State.

散点透视又叫“动透视”或“多点透视”。The Cavalier perspective also shouting"to move the perspective"or"the multi-spot perspective".

但对经济政策中道德蕴含漫不经心是这个行业的惯常做法。But being cavalier about the moral implications of economic policies is the stock-in-trade of the profession.

来自华盛顿消息灵通人士的随口回应是中国不敢轻易结束这场游戏。The cavalier response heard from Washington insiders is that the Chinese wouldn't dare spark such an endgame.

和范喜良一样想得到“神勇武士”称号的,还有他的朋友李环。With Fan Xiliang conceivable " extraordinarily brave cavalier " of the title, still have his friend plum link.

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对低级抗生素无意识的滥用为耐抗生素致病菌的滋生创造了绝佳的环境。This cavalier use of low-level antibiotics creates a perfect breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant pathogens.

举例来说,在某段关系或者其他一些我们看重的事情里面,悲伤的风险令我们不再那么英勇无畏。The risk of sadness may deter us from being too cavalier in relationships or with other things we value, for example.

整个防御准备的过程中,武士与农民间发生许多摩擦也闹出不少笑话。In the course that whole defence plans, a lot of attrition happen to also make a many joke between cavalier and farmer.