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边走边吃。Eat and go.

少吃几餐就好了!And eat less!

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顿顿吃这?Does eat this?

吃早餐。Eat breakfast.

吃菠萝。Eat pineapple.

我吃脑髓。Me eat brains!

争吃无花果。That eat figs.

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试一试吃一下。Try to eat it.

我们为什么要进食?Why do we eat?

在一个地方用膳。Eat at a place.

很好,就吃鱼吧。Well, eat fish.

吃红辣椒。Eat red peppers.

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按“彩虹食谱”搭配着吃。Eat the rainbow.

我们边吃边谈。We eat and talk.

吃全谷物类食物。Eat Whole Grains.

吃石榴。Eat pomegranates.

去吃屎,去死吧。Eat shit and die.

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看清你吃的东西。See what you eat.

不要吃我。啊!Don't eat me. Aah!

把它吃了吧,婊子!Eat it, bitches!!!