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类似那些集权主义教派的伊斯兰教。Similar in fact to the collectivist religions such as Islam.

作为管理者,布拉德福德认识到这种集体制度导致的内部问题。Bradford, as governor, recognized the inherent problem with this collectivist system.

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这也许是因为集体主义社会扼杀了个人对自我实现的追求吧。This may be because collectivist societies stifle the individual's search for self-actualisation.

当地居民纷纷被鼓励唱红歌,发弘扬集体主义价值观的短信。Residents are being encouraged to sing "red" songs and send text messages promoting collectivist values.

马克思主义农业集体化思想发展有两次飞跃。There have been two great leaps forward in the development of Marxist agricultural collectivist thought.

因为想了解昆虫类群居啮齿动物信息的读者是非常有限的。The audience that wants more information about insect-like collectivist rodents is going to be pretty limited.

市场的看不见的手可能正在发挥越来越大的作用,但是守旧的集体主义梦想的死亡之手仍然施加着强大的影响。The invisible hand of the market may be on the rise, but the dead hand of the old collectivist dream still exerts a powerful influence.

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如果总是我行我素,那么我就有可能错失广采众长带来的益处。If I am only individualistic in every situation, the potentially I miss out on the benefits that a more collectivist approach can offer.

1980至2000年这一时期很好的说明了当市场从过去的集体主义束缚中解放出来后的良好表现。The period from 1980 to 2000 illustrates how well markets can perform when freed from even some of the collectivist constraints of the past.

日本集体的理想必然是要让整个庞大的国民人口共同生活在较小但颇为舒适的群岛上。Japan's collectivist ideals necessarily arose to allow the nation's large population to live comfortably together in a comparatively small archipelago.

“希望”在他的著作的集体所有权代表一个世界社会,存在当“网络”实现其目标是巩固其统治。The "Hope" in his book's title represented the collectivist one-world society that will exist when the "network" achieves its goal of consolidating its rule.

它还包括德国国内从魏玛共和国留下的自由企业向集体主义经济计划的深刻转变。It also involved a substantial shift in German domestic politics away from free enterprise, or what remained of it under Weimar, toward collectivist economic planning.

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最深最暗处的大型食肉动物鲨鱼是独居动物,远远比其他动物聪明的人类如此热衷群居,这些现象并非毫无缘由。It's not for nothing that sharks, among the dimmest of the large carnivores, are loners, or that humans — far and away the smartest — are so enthusiastically collectivist.

了解汉语名词范畴的结构特征及其与集体主义文化的关系对于对外汉语教学有着重要启示。Understanding the structural properties of Chinese nominal categories and their relation to collectivist culture offers important implications for teaching Chinese to foreigners.

汉语名次范畴的管约结构特征可能是集体主义文化在语言层面的一种反映,因为这种结构特征与集体主义的一系列特征相吻合。Those structural properties of government are possibly a reflection of collectivist culture at linguistic level, because they fit in well with a series of attributes of collectivism.

然而基督的明确声明并没有让人类停止把天堂带到地球来的努力——多数形式是通过政治专制带来的集体主义乌托邦。Yet the clarity of Christ's statement hasn't stopped mankind from trying to bring heaven to earth ever since – mostly through political tyrannies of the collectivist utopian variety.

要真正实现理想中的社会福利化,需要由国家和政府出面,以一种高度的政治道德观和复合集体主义价值观为大众谋福利。The actual realization of the ideal social welfare requires the state and government to work for peoples benefits based on a lofty political moral and comprehensive collectivist value.

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如果这一危机被当做重新召回集体主义政策那只死亡之手的借口,那么它不但对短期经济的健康造成毁灭性打击,而且对长期的经济自由和繁荣也会造成同样的后果。If the crisis is used as an excuse to bring back the dead hand of collectivist policies, it is not only destructive of short-term economic well-being but also of long-term freedom and prosperity.