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马可波罗游记中提到忽必烈曾派使节到过马尔加什。Polo 's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache.

马可波罗游记中提到忽必烈曾派使节到过马尔加什。Marco Polo 's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache.

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马可孛罗,一个以探险、旅行史、旅行文学为主的出版社。Marco Polo Press, a publisher of adventure, travelogue and traveling literature.

这篇旅行日志记录着我的整个探险经历,我要把这一切与你们分享。This travelogue is about the whole experience which I would like to share with all of you.

否则,这是多么好的一个旅游节目,期待BBC下一个有关中国的节目,这回得要更好一些的主持人。Otherwise, quite a good travelogue. Lets have another China doc BBC, this time with more competent presenters.

这些照片是苏格兰摄影师约翰汤姆森拍摄的,他当时是摄影记者的先驱。The first ever travelogue of the country was taken by Scottish photographer John Thomson, who was a pioneer in photojournalism.

日本娱乐节目频道,播放剧集,综艺节目,音乐,卡通动画,电影,旅游资讯及体育节目等。Diverse range of Japanese entertainment programmes spanning from drama series, variety shows, music, animation, movies and travelogue to sports.

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与此同时扩大了游记文学的外延内容,产生晚明自觉的游记理论和独特的游赏观念。The content of travel literature was thus expanded to a wider extension. The awareness of travelogue theory and a new travelling conception were raised.

旅行见闻讲演的这一段插曲我们到你轮流一些小的小巷,在生活拿一个非常慢的速度地方,见到传统如何在现代化当中站坚定。This episode of Travelogue we take to you some small alleyways , where life takes a much slower pace, to see how tradition stands firm amidst modernization.

然而,有一点毋庸置疑,卡梅隆的独特视角为这部影片增添了更多的娱乐价值,给观众带来一种无与伦比的有如旅行一般的感受。What couldn't be clearer, though, is that Mr. Cameron's singular vision has upped the ante for filmed entertainment, and given us a travelogue unlike any other.

这是我们这个时代十分缺乏的。星巴不仅带着自己4岁的孩子去体验大自然,让她有机会了解生态系统和野生动物,并且和孩子一起,以孩子的口吻写出这本游记。Simba not only brought her 4-years-old daughter to be in close touch with the nature, the ecosystem and wild animals, but also write the travelogue together with the kid from an angle of a child.