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马自达拆掉了“玻璃墙”‘Glass walls’ come down at Mazda

它是基于马自达五车,其中主要是在日本售出。It was based on the Mazda Capella which was mainly sold in Japan.

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然而,柴油将只部分的燃油经济性的解决方案马自达。However, diesels will only be part of the fuel economy solution for Mazda.

拿运动车型来说,在上周,马自达睿翼推出了它的2.0L车型。Take sports car for the last week, Mazda launched its Core-wing 2.0L models.

他还表示,目前在欧洲市场上销售的部分马自达柴油车型就配有该系统。He added that Mazda currently has the feature on some diesel cars sold in Europe.

例如在本周,通用和福特分别抛售了各自在Suzuki和Mazda的股份。This week, for instance, GM and Ford sold shares in Suzuki and Mazda respectively.

据报道,菲尔普斯将在这单合同中赚到一汽马自达给的"7位数"酬劳.Phelps is reported to be earning "well into seven figures" for the deal with FAW Mazda.

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那么,差别如此之大的行驶成本优势是否会使她放弃马自达汽车转而青睐电动汽车呢?So would the huge cost advantage ever lead her to trade in her Mazda for an electric car?

在二手中型车板块中,马自达3、大众高尔夫和捷达,以及福特福克斯入选。The Mazda 3, VW Golf and Jettas, and the Ford Focus are the pick of the used medium cars.

该洞吞下了2007年的蓝色马自达的船员从洞里拉了几天之后。The hole swallowed a blue 2007 Mazda that crews pulled from the hole a couple days later.

马自达希望用这名美国游泳天才使马自达6睿翼在中国再创车市奇迹。Mazda has tapped American swimming sensation Michael Phelps to relaunch its Mazda 6 in China.

马自达公司与福特公司合作之后,采用了新的车标,椭圆中展翅飞翔的海鸥,同时又组成“M”字样。Mazda with Ford after the introduction of a new logo, oval in gulls fly, while form "M" word.

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马自达称普利马可以提供包括金砂色在内的七种车身颜色。" Mazda said the Premacy also comes in seven new body colors, including "Golden Sand Metallic.

在一份声明中,马自达表示运动员“已经通过视频向中国公众道歉”。In a statement Mazda says that the athlete "apologized to the Chinese public through a videocast ."

我们飞快地通过哥哥的马自达车,而现在我记不清我们是如何经过厨房门和停着的帕杰罗吉普车的。We shot pass my brother's Mazda and I can't remember how we went over the gate and a parked Pajero.

马自达生产的这款电动概念车最高时速达250英里!Mazda have built this concept electric car with top speeds of 250mph! Who said electric cars are slow?

汽车以列队的形式开始,难以置信地是,13辆马自达来自2050公里外的莫斯科!The cars started moving in a parade. Incredibly, 13 Mazda owners came from Moscow, from about 2050 km.

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9月18日,周六,我在德国埃森市见证了马自达汽车最宏大的车队列队展示。On Saturday 18th September I travelled to Essen in Germany to witness the largest parade of Mazda cars.

尽管如此,他还是设法把她带进了车行,那里有一辆马自达Miata系着一个大大的红色蝴蝶结。Still, he managed to steer her into the dealership where there was a Mazda Miata tied with a big red bow.

以汽车制造业为例,日本有丰田、本田、尼桑、铃木、三菱、大发、马自达和斯巴鲁。In carmaking, for instance, Japan has Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Mazda and Subaru.