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我们的仿真樱花树可以持续亮灯超过50000小时以上。Our artifical cherry tree lights have more than 50000 hours life.

水钻是把人造水晶玻璃切割成钻石刻面而得到的一种饰品辅件。It is a kind of Accessory that cut artifical crystal glass into diamond's facet.

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我通常只选用那些不含化学物质的洗面奶。I always use facial products that contain natural ingredients, nothing artifical.

方法市售甲壳素经发泡技术制成海绵状人工皮。Methods The artifical sponginess skin can be obtained from the effervesced chitin.

结论普通血压计同样可准确测定人工气道气囊压力。Conclusion Normal sphygmomanometer can effective measure the artifical airway ballonet pressure.

胡平。高峰。许波一种用本体聚合粒子滤出法制备人工角膜的方法。Gao F. Meng YC. Qu B Preparation of artifical cornea with a central optic region and porous skirt.

苹果西打全部采用新鲜苹果制成,不含化学色素的清凉饮料。Apple sidra is the only soft drink which uses exclusively fresh apple without any artifical flavor.

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研究了粉煤灰在人工扰动加密和平板振动器振密后的压实特性。Compaction characteristic of flyash is studied under artifical disturbance and vibration compression.

网络训练的样本是用一个沿地震时间历程滑动的时间窗采样获取的。For acquiring the knowedge of the seismicity rhythm, the artifical neural network technique is adopted.

城市污泥对退化森林生态系统土壤的人工熟化研究。Artifical improvement of soil fertility in a regraded forest ecosystem by using municipal sewage sludge.

目前人工关节置换已经成为治疗严重关节病损的临床标准手术。Now, the replacement of artifical joints treatment severity arthropathy is standard operation of clinic.

目的观察泪道阻塞再通管治疗慢性泪囊炎的临床效果。Objective To observation the clinical effect of lacrimal artifical canal treatment of chronic dacryocystitis.

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豪斯拉克科的另一项设计,在一个人造球体内的两棵棕榈树之间悬挂吊床。Another design by Haus-Rucker-Co consists of a hammock suspended between two palm trees in an artifical sphere.

提出了模拟人工肾透析系统传质的一维非稳态数值方法。This paper presents a one-dimensional and unsteady state method of simulating mass transfer in artifical kidney.

作者采用钛合金人工关节凹治疗颞颌关节强直。A patient with bilateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis was treated with Ti-alloy artifical articular concavity.

酵素、壳谷类、玉米、蛋、牛奶、大豆、糖、蛋白胶质、淀粉、人工调味料、色素、防腐剂。NO Yeast, Wheat, Corn, Milk, Egg, Soy, Glutens , Artifical Colors or Flavors, Added Sugar, Starch or Preservatives.

着重阐述了人工血管内皮化及组织工程化血管的研究进展。Artifical vessel endothelialization and tissue engineering blood vessel have been especially focused on in recent years.

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人工浮岛技术是近年来发展迅速的一种生态污水处理技术,在国内外有许多报道。Artifical Floating Islands, a new kind of ecological wastewater treatment technology, has developed rapidly in recent years.

结论重建人工胃底胃食管瓣有明确的抗反流作用。Conclusion The artifical gastric fundus recombination to make a stomach-esophagus valve is worthy of anti-esophageal reflux.

目的观察明胶类血浆代用品高容血液稀释后对机体凝血和纤溶功能的影响。ObjectiveTo evaluate the influences of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis after infusing different artifical plasma substitutes.