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我的大姨妈来了。My aunt Flo is visiting.

嗯,我以为你的弗洛姨妈来了。Um, I think your Aunt Flo is in town.

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级别较高的富娄是一位专注且顽皮的妈妈。High-ranking Flo was an attentive, playful mother.

托·安德列·弗洛宣布退役。Tore Andre Flo has announced his retirement from football.

玛莎去克利夫兰时,弗罗在机场为她送行。When Marsha flew to Cleveland, Flo saw her off at the airport.

弗洛轻快的打开车门,她给我一个巨大的拥抱和一个灿烂的笑容。Flo flipped open the bus doors and greeted me with a big smile and a hug.

1997年在白鹿巷球场6-1获胜,图勒安德列-弗洛的帽子戏法为比赛画上圆满句号。Winning 6-1 at White Hart Lane in 1997, complete with Tore Andre Flo hat-trick.

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弗洛是珍妮·古道尔研究的一个群落中最有性吸引力的一个黑猩猩。Flo was one of the most sexually attractive female chimps in a troop studied by Jane Goodall.

它也变成了一个好妈妈,而且为费罗生养了很多外孙,而热火的后代非常少。She too became a good mother and produced many grandchildren for Flo while Passion had relatively few.

这一天晚上,弗洛给我们打了多次电话告诉我们孩子按时吃药了,一切都好。Flo called us several more times that evening to report that medications had been given and all was well.

级别较高的富娄是一位专注且顽皮的妈妈。她活了大约有53年,在贡贝记录中是寿命最长的一个之一。High-ranking Flo was an attentive, playful mother. She lived an estimated 53 years, one of the longest lives recorded at Gombe.

美国儿童牙科医学会指出,吞下含氟牙膏会引起麻烦。The American Academy of dental Pediatric Dentistry notes that swallowing flo tooth peist fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems.

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在整个俱乐部历史上他们二人现在与安德雷·弗勒以15球并列第二,仅落后纪录保持者杰米格里夫斯一球。The pair stand with Tore André Flo one goal behind our record international goalscorer Jimmy Greaves . They have 15, Greaves got 16.

如果您想亲自体验一番,您可以去北京福楼餐厅。三月的每个周末,他们都在提供享用这一火锅的机会。If you want to have a try, you can come to Brasserie Flo Beijing. They are offering the opportunity to enjoy this Fondue every weekend in March.

托雷•安德雷•弗勒上半场的两粒进球帮助切尔西占据有利位置,回到斯坦福乔3-1从而取得关键性胜利。Two Tore André Flo goals in the first quarter of an hour set Chelsea on our way to a 2-1 win. A 3-1 win at the Bridge made it an emphatic victory.

FLO电视就是个很好的例子,它是Qualcomm公司的一项服务,使用之前的UHF55频道可以在无线设备上报道20多个频道。An example of how this could work is FLO TV, a service from Qualcomm that uses the old UHF channel 55 to broadcast over 20 channels to wireless devices.

自从加入切尔西后,古德扬森在国际性大赛上进了15个球,俱乐部中仅低于英国有名前锋吉米·格里夫斯的16球,挪威前锋弗洛也进了15球。It was Gudjohnsen's 15th international goal since joining Chelsea. Only Jimmy Greaves with 16 has scored more while with the club. Tore André Flo also scored 15.

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当一些变成孤儿的动物被带进来之后,出于安全因素,我们通常会给它们一个胖胖的毛绒玩具用来咬,但是在这种情况下我们不会这样做,因为这几个狐狸幼崽已经和FIo建立了密切的关系。When orphaned animals are brought in we normally give them a stuffed toy for a bit of security but we didn't in this case because they already had a bond with Flo.

正当孩子们在苏的照看下开心的看电视时,弗洛踏入了猛烈的风雪中,吃力的通过厚厚的积雪走向药店。With the kids now happily watching television and supervised by Sue, Flo steeped back out into the ferocious storm and slowly trudged through snow drifts to the pharmacy.

猎犬拉基和弗洛的工作是嗅出隐藏在行李箱和其它容器中的光盘,防止这些光盘被带到加工厂去复制。The job for Lucky and Flo will be to sniff out optical discs in luggage or other containers, and stop the discs from getting to manufacturing plants where they can be reproduced.