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斯沃琪手表店即将在一间带有格子窗的建筑里开业。There's a Swatch store about to open under a latticed terrace.

提出了一种适用于网壳结构的模态测试方法。A modal testing method for latticed shell structures was presented.

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提出了一种适用于网壳结构的模态测试技术。A modal testing technique for latticed shell structures is presented.

网状骨质的具有间隙的、格子状的或多孔结构的。Having an open, latticed , or porous structure. Used especially of bone.

网格结构是应用最为广泛的一种空间结构形式。The latticed structure is one of the most widely used spatial structures.

图为和顺庭院里普通家庭住宅上雕刻精致的格子窗。Intricately carved latticed windows in the courtyard of a Heshun family home.

本文主旨在探讨三维桁架受风载重风力系数之分析。This thesis studied the force coefficient of 3-D latticed under wind loading.

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本文介绍了一个鞍形单层网壳的模型试验。This paper describes the model test of a hyperbolic paraboloid latticed shell.

哈利朝那扇格子窗偷偷扫了一眼,跳上马车。Harry cast one slight glance at the latticed window, and jumped into the carriage.

灯笼火把的火光从窗格中照进来。The lights of their lanterns and torches could be seen through the latticed windows.

利用有限元模拟,应用上述方法对一单层球面网壳结构进行了损伤诊断。The method is tested by the finite element analysis for a single-layer latticed shell.

你可以把蓝莓到进派壳里,我们会用格状派皮把内陷盖住。You can pour the berries into the pie shell now. I'll cover them with the latticed crust.

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索撑网壳是一种适合于玻璃采光顶结构特点的新型单层网壳形式。Grid shell is a new type of single layer latticed shell, especially suitable for glass roofs.

因此,对铝合金网壳结构进行考虑几何非线性影响的整体稳定分析是十分必要的。The stability of k-8 single layer latticed domes under different loads is studied in details.

都好了。你课一把蓝莓倒进派壳里来了,我会用格状派皮把内馅盖住。Yup. You can pour the berries into the pie shell now. I'll cover them with the latticed crust.

以网壳为支撑构架的玻璃采光顶使用广泛。The glazed roof supported by latticed shell has been widely used in many kinds of architecture.

本论文主要研究了扁柱面网壳的非线性动力学行为。In this paper, nonlinear mechanics behaviors of the shallow cylindrical latticed shell is studied.

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折板式网壳结构是其中应用的结构形式之一。In the same time the study of nonlinear theory of the folded plate type latticed shell was imperfect.

为了抗风需要,支撑网壳的抗拔支座及混凝土柱采用了预应力技术。Prestress technic has been used in concrete columns and the anti-pulling bearings of the latticed shell.

这些黑地白粉字的“牌子”站得整整齐齐,挂满了楼上那一带口字式的栏杆。These blackboards, chalked with figures, hung in a neat row all along the latticed balustrade of the gallery.