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我们就在那块地面上竖起一个井架。We put up at the surface an oil derrick.

起棕吊杆是踊肿最简单的起棕机。The gin pole is the simplest form derrick.

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每根吊杠的安全工作负荷是多少?What's the safe working load of each derrick?

把那根钻铤拉到钻台上来。Take that drill collar up to the derrick floor?

井架工逃命绳要做功能试验。The derrick escape line has to be function-tested.

何维健将在新加坡e乐大赏2011庆功派对上演出!Derrick Hoh will perform in Singapore e-Awards 2011!

不允许从钻台上或井架上,往下乱扔东西。Do not throw objects off the floor, mast or derrick.

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每个吊杆的安全工作负荷是多少?What's the safe working loadS. W. L of each derrick?

不,1舱的绞车电机不能工作。Winch motors of No. 1 derrick operational in 30minutes.

还是找曼克奈斯和台力克太太去商量吧。It might be as well to consult Magnus and Mrs . Derrick.

可以选择吊环式,挂钩式,吊杆式安装方式。You can choose the rings, hook type, derrick installation.

德里克维亚德总是说一些最无可理喻的事。Derrick Vinyard would always say the most ridiculous things.

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对罗斯的期待就是希望他成为那样的人物。The expectation for Derrick Rose is that he become that guy.

竖起的油井架向欢呼的人群中喷洒着银色的纸屑。An oil derrick showered silver confetti on the whooping crowd.

上井架工作必须系好安全带。The safety belt should be fastened when working on the derrick.

所有吊机用的钢绳以及靠泊用的缆绳亦均遗失。All the cargo derrick wires and mooring ropes were also missing.

吊货舱上层甲板上应装4个固定环。Four fixed rings need to be added on upper deck for derrick holds.

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塔室块件由传递用的转臂吊机吊放在桥面上。The pylon cell units were hoisted to the deck by the transfer derrick.

何维健将在新加坡e乐大赏2011庆功派对上演出!Google Money System Derrick Hoh will perform in Singapore e-Awards 2011!

德里克·罗斯,今年22岁,自从2008年选秀之后便一直留在芝加哥公牛队。Derrick Rose, 22, has been with the Chicago Bulls since the 2008 NBA draft.