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北京鸭是过量喂食养大的。Beijing duck is overfed.

事实上,有太多的人摄食过多。In fact, far too many people are overfed.

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事实上,她补充,有太多的人吃的太多了。In fact, she added, far too many people are overfed.

事实上,她又补充,太多的人吃得太多了。In fact, she added, far too many people are overfed.

事实是,她补充到,有太多的人都得到了过量的供给。In fact", she added, "far too many people are overfed.

然而他补充道,事实上,许多人吃的过多。目前,粮食价格急剧飙升。In fact, she added far too many people are overfed , yet now food price have risen sharply.

如果你的孙子小时候没有过分溺爱,无论从哪一点说,他是有可能接手这份产业的。At which point, if he was not overfed as a baby your grandson ought to be able to squeeze into it.

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冯陈富珍指出世界粮食产量足够全球食用,她补充说,事实上,远远超过全球的粮食需求。She said the world produces enough food to feed everyone— in fact, she added, far too many people are overfed.

她表示,世界各国生产的粮食足够养活每个人,---她补充道,事实上,很多人还会富富有余。She said the world produces enough food to feed everyone -- in fact, she added, far too many people are overfed.

把满脸褶子都拉平好显得平滑有光泽。你骗不了任何人,小甜心。Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretched all taut and shiny. You're not fooling anybody, sweetheart.

但是现在市场上的巧克力多半为甜巧克力和牛奶巧克力,糖分较高,吃得太多,就很容易发胖。But now on the market for most of the chocolate and sweet chocolate milk chocolate, sugar high, overfed , it is easy to obesity.

这通常发生在手喂食鸟类,要么不断吃得太多或手喂食后不久,他们应该已经断奶。This usually happens in hand-feeding birds that are either continuously overfed or hand-fed long after they should have been weaned.

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小獒的喂养原则是少食多餐,防止一次让它们吃得太多,以至消化不良,拉肚子或生别的病。Puppy feeding principle is fed several times each eat less, so that they prevent an overfed , and indigestion, diarrhea or health and other diseases.

他接着指给我看他刚离开的那群人中的一个矮个子,那人像只肥胖的鼬,带着一副黑边大眼镜。He drew my attention to one of the group at the press table, a plump, small man with huge black-rimmed glasses, who made me think of an overfed weasel.

还不够明朗的则是,今天那些吃得太多的西方人是否会经历一个相反方向的“规划”,并且他们的食欲受到限制。What is not yet clear is whether the children of today’s overfed westerners will experience programming in the opposite direction, and have their appetites restricted.

因此星系合并也许可能会不时地变得有点暴躁,只是为了发火而已,但我们不应该因为活跃星系中央的吃得过饱的黑洞而责怪它们。So galactic mergers might like to get a little rowdy now and then, just to let off steam, but don't blame them for those overfed black holes at the center of active galaxies.

他想让妈妈们不要因为婴儿肥胖而感到愧疚,他说,但是他们和那些卫生保健教授需要认识到有一种过量喂养的婴儿存在着。He did not want mothers to feel guilty about having a fat baby, he said, but they and healthcare professionals "need to recognise that there is such a thing as an overfed baby".

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喂食低热量饮食的狗狗将比那些喂食物比较对口的生长成成年状态更慢一些,但得发展性关节炎的几率会大大降低。Dogs fed a calorie-limited diet will reach the same adult size as their overfed counterparts more slowly, of course, but with a considerably reduced likelihood of developing arthritis.