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读一下我们以前的关于蜜饯对人体健康的好处的文章Read our past coverage about the health benefits of the confection

它没有戴安娜王妃穿过的那套婚纱那么甜腻奢华。It stood apart from the billowy confection that Princess Diana wore.

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牛轧糖用果仁与糖或蜜糊混合做成的糖果。A confection made from a sugar or honey paste into which nuts are mixed.

自劝化程度高、速度快、控制灵活、性能稳定,是一种比较理想的配液机械。Highly automatic, quick, nimble and stable, it is an ideal fluid confection machine.

把冰冻的香蕉用合适的搅拌机打成类似于冰激凌的甜点。Frozen bananas turn into an ice-cream like confection with proper blending technique.

用于涂覆的组合物,涂覆工艺和冷冻涂覆的糖食。Provided is a combination for coating, coating technology and confection of frozen coating.

营养液配制是无土栽培一个关键的技术问题。The confection of the nutritious liquid is a important technical problem in the hydroponics.

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她们在如何做出美味的甜食方面受到了私人指导,还各带了3kg的份量回家。They were given private lessons on how to make the delicious confection and took home 3kg each.

这样的焦糖与拿铁的结合含有超出健康范围的糖分和人体非必需的卡路里。This caramel confection hides an unhealthy dose of sugar and an unnecessary amount of calories.

它是由泰国最受欢迎的原料—椰奶制成的,在恰图恰的大热天吃这个奶油、冰爽的甜点最适合不过了。Made from Thailand's favorite ingredient coconut milk, this creamy, icy confection is best eaten on a hot day at Chatuchak.

冰糖,硬棒糖一种把浓缩的糖浆冷却成大颗透明的晶体,并将其串在细绳或小棍上而制成的硬糖果。A hard confection that is made by cooling a concentrated sugar syrup into large, clear crystals around a piece of string or a stick.

还提供了一种用于提神而不会使血压暂时升高的冷冻糖食或饮料产品。Also provided is a frozen confection or a beverage product for the enhancement of mood without transient elevation of blood pressure.

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把樱桃和德国人对巧克力的喜爱结合起来,就有了这道绝妙的奶油樱桃巧克力甜品。Combine these cherries with the German’s love of chocolate, and you have this wonderful chocolate confection with cream and cherries.

很多人认为巧克力有助于促进心情的改善,而很少有研究能确切证实甜点与心境之间的关系。Many people consider chocolate a mood-booster but few studies have actually confirmed the connection between the confection and mood.

比较片剂和丸剂中黄芩苷的溶出速率,考察成型工艺对药物溶出的影响。The effect of confection process on medicine dissolution was examined by comparing the dissolution rate of Baicalin in tablet and pill.

这顶由钻石和祖母绿宝石镶嵌的王冠是1900年的时候,德国王子吉多·亨克尔·冯·多纳斯马为其第二任妻子瑞典公主凯塔琳娜定制的。The diamond-and-emerald confection was commissioned by German prince Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck for his second wife Katharina around 1900.

最后,我们看到一个壁炉,一个精致的两头尖尖的庞然大物,里面像个深红色和金黄色混合的大口,外面像个坚硬的糖果蜜饯。Finally one finds the fireplace, an exquisitely shaped two-sided affair, showcasing a ruby and gold mouth shellacked like a hard candy confection.

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经过广告的包装,市场的推销,瓶装水披上了一层华美的外衣,成了现在食品和饮料业的最成功的传奇之一。Through a confection of advertising and marketing, bottled water has become one of the biggest success stories in the modern food and beverage industry.

这样急需一套简便的自动供胶控制系统来精确控制配比投料。Therefore, it is of urgent demand to create a simple and convenient auto glue-supplying control system to accurately control the materials for confection.

一个是天真的乐观主义认为,在持续上升的国家范围内的政治干涉力量会轻而易举地融入全球化经济体制。One is a confection of naive optimism that the rise of a continent-sized, authoritarian power could be accommodated in the global system without serious strains.