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一名牧师照着祈祷书念祷文。A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book.

因此有些教会鼓励敬拜者在礼仪中跪下,以示尊敬。Thus some churches encourage worshipers to kneel as part of the liturgy.

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这将包括为孩子重述礼拜仪式条款。This would include items from the liturgy that are reworded for the children.

因此在大主教劳德的淫威下,只有官方的礼拜时能够在教堂里被吟诵。So under Archbishop Laud, only the official liturgy could be recited in church.

此后,礼仪圣的圣雅各福群会如下缩短了形式相同的。After that, the Liturgy of St. of St. James follows a shortened form of the same.

四旬期第三主日的礼仪向我们展示了悔改皈依这一主题。The liturgy of this Third Sunday of Lent presents us with the theme of conversion.

但如果你是罗马天主教徒或者主教派教徒,你在礼拜时就会念这些赞美诗。If you're Roman Catholic or Episcopalian you say these psalms as part of the liturgy.

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感恩祭礼仪和个人祈祷也以祈求宽恕作为必要的准备。Asking forgiveness is the prerequisite for both the Eucharistic liturgy and personal prayer.

作曲系内容很多,除了专业作曲,还要修读钢琴、管风琴、合唱指挥、额我略音乐、音乐礼仪和拉丁文等。He also takes courses in piano, organ, choral conducting, Gregorian chant, liturgy and Latin.

梵二大公会议修订了祈祷和将其名称改为礼仪的小时数。The Second Vatican Council revised the Breviary and changed its name to Liturgy of the Hours.

当宾经过圣堂时,他看到受人景仰的耶稣受难礼的十字架。When Affleck passes a Church, he sees the veneration of the Cross of the Good Friday liturgy.

在现代英语里,它是指礼拜仪式,礼拜仪式就是指你所要做的例规。In modern English it refers to worship services, so the liturgy of a worship service is what you do.

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在英语里这些就是礼拜仪式,但在原来的那个希腊单词里,有着更广泛的指代意义。Those are all liturgy in English, but it comes from the Greek work which had a much broader reference.

教会的宗教仪式要求供奉动物,包括宰杀鸽、鸡、山羊和绵羊等。Its liturgy encompasses animal sacrifice, including the killing of pigeons, chickens, goats, and sheep.

长期以来,人类对行进仪礼、行进演艺怀着一种莫明的情愫。For a long time people have had an inexplicable affection for marching liturgy and marching performance.

在1744年举行了一次会议,在伦敦和标准的学说,教会礼仪和纪律获得通过。In 1744 a conference was held in London and standards for doctrine, liturgy and discipline were adopted.

但是以传统智慧的呆板而一成不变的言辞,对价格竞争的赞颂仍有人起劲地吟咏。But in the liturgy of the conventional wisdom, the praises of price competition are still vigorously sung.

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他的周围到处都是罗马尼亚民间音乐,还有拜占庭东正教的礼拜仪式。He was surrounded by the folk music of the Romanian countryside and the liturgy of the Byzantine Orthodox Church.

梵蒂冈第二理事会在宪法中的神圣礼仪介绍如何忏悔将导致一个更接近上帝。Vatican Council II in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy describes how penitence will lead one closer to God.

该香炉是其中一项最重要的项目,在主持圣道礼仪,为香的特点祈祷上帝。The Incense Burner is one of the most significant item in the Liturgy , as the incense characterizes the prays to God.