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神是我的供应者。God is my Provider.

连通性提供方服务器。Connectivity provider server.

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添加新的连通性提供方。Add a new connectivity provider.

审查云计算供应商。Vet the cloud computing provider.

JCR的服务提供者接口。Service provider interface for JCR.

与标识提供者的集成。Integration with an identity provider.

提供新闻和文章迷蒙。Provider of news and articles about misty.

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美国在线仍然是我的个人电邮供应商。I still use AOL as my personal email provider.

只有你的网络接入商才知道你的真实姓名。Only your internet provider has your real name.

打电话给你的医生或心理健康师Call your doctor or mental health care provider.

一个抽象的云提供商API戈兰尼图书馆?Golang library for abstracting cloud provider API?

可能您正在使用错误的JNP提供者。Possibly you are using the wrong provider for JNP.

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未注册所选的平面文件提供程序。The selected flat file provider is not registered.

一个厂商中立的、针对云供应商API的接口。a vendor-neutral interface to cloud provider APIs.

迁移到另一个提供者的能力如何?What is the ability to migrate to another provider?

你现在使用哪间流动电话供应商?Which mobile phone services provider are you using?

微软网络提供程序的MPEG2的网络。Microsoft Network Provider for MPEG2 based networks.

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不要停止,除非卫生保健提供者建议停止。No, not unless your health care provider advises it.

这是我们需要对服务提供程序执行的所有操作。This is all you need to do for the service provider.

注销以前注册的扩展程序提供程序。Unregister a previously registered Extender Provider.