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提心吊胆的世界。The scary world.

他可以变得很可怕He could be scary.

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这是可怕的东西。This is scary stuff.

做某事是很可怕的。Itas scary to do sth.

所以]霍布斯的观点当然吓人This is pretty scary.

有一处还挺吓人的。There'sone scary part.

这是一件可怕的事。This is a scary thing.

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但是笨笨不害怕小袋鼠。But Lumpy is not scary.

也非常非常非常提心吊胆。And very very very scary.

太可怕的想法了。Scary thought. I asked J.

这只母狮是可怕的。The mother lion is scary.

而且一点儿也不吓人。And it's not scary at all.

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那才是真正可怕的。But that was really scary.

我觉得这是可怕的图片。I find this a scary picture.

这个猛鬼不太猛。This ghost is not too scary.

这种想法可能有一点吓人。That idea can be a bit scary.

妈咪,黑暗太可怕了。Mammy, it's so scary in the dark.

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看到吓人的情节时,及时挽住他的手臂。Grab his arm during the scary part.

够吓人的吧,对不对That's pretty scary. Wouldn't it be?

超级魔鬼场,记得多带一些球!Scary Devil Course, bring more balls!