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这个卑鄙的骗子是谁?What was the name of this vile seducer ?

因为我可以不停止地告诉你们大家,唐金是个最伟大的骗子。As I keep telling you all, King is The Great Seducer.

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飞翔的梦就是引诱者的引诱之梦。The dream of flight is the dream of a seductive seducer.

我看见饱受丈夫虐待的妻子I see the wife misused by her husband, I see the treacherous seducer of young women

若抗辩方并非主动、积极的勾引者,则可能成为抗辩理由。But it might be a defense that the defendant was not the active and aggressive seducer.

当昔日的“勾引者”成了阶下囚,光鲜的“花花公子”形象也要大打折扣了。The glamorous "playboy" image gets a bit lame when " the seducer" becomes the prisoner.

经常的,这类诱惑也包括诱惑者对受诱惑者的编程。Often times such seductions also includes the programming of the seduced by the seducer.

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这是一首诗的基础上,传统的西班牙传奇、诱奸妇女的伟大情人。It is a poem' based on a traditional Spanish legend of a great lover and seducer of women.

你将注意到,你们全球最著名的人士每一个都最可能是“诱惑诱惑者的人”。One will notice that your most famous humans global wide are most likely each a "Seducer of Seducers ".

在双方性能量的共舞之中,诱惑者剥夺了受诱惑者的记录并加入业力。In the dance of sexual energy between two parties, the seducer strips the seduced of their records and adds karma.

作为主要角色,你展示自信得到你想要的。In the master role, you are displaying confidence to get what you want. This is public speaker, leader or seducer.

这么做,灵视技能的信息可从受诱惑者传递到诱惑者身上,或者反之。In so doing, information on visionary skills can be transferred either from the seduced to the seducer or visa versa.

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有时,诱惑者也会将自身知识输送给受诱惑者,让自己的真相覆盖后者的真相。Sometimes the seducer also gives their knowledge to the seduced causing their truth to override the truth of another.

假如我们真实道地将斗士或诱拐者的行为,表现为我们自己的行为,那麽我们应该就是斗士或是诱拐者。If we had really and truly made the conduct of the warrior or the seducer our own, then we should be one or the other.

扇子是如此闪闪发光而非常有趣,可能诱惑者也擅长于讲故事或娱乐他人。The fan sparkles, glimmers, is playful, and perhaps the seducer is also gifted at story telling or entertaining others.

当诱惑者用自身强大的幻相编程受诱惑者时,力量诱惑就发生。The seduction of power is engaged as the seducer programs the seduced with a fantasy reality that the seducer is powerful.

知识诱惑导致诱惑者以持有更多知识的幻相而编程受诱惑者。The seduction of knowledge causes the seducer to program the seduced with a fantasy that they hold more knowledge than the seduced.

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男人的名誉是最为珍贵的,戴绿帽子比勾引人更难堪,法律难道对此不了解吗?Did the Law not know that a man's name was to him the apple of his eye, that it was far harder to be regarded as cuckold than as seducer?

从能量上来说,这类诱惑往往看起来象一面巨大的扇子,是既从你、也从诱惑者的某个脉轮区域演化出来的。Energetically , such seduction often looks like a large fan that is projected from a certain chakra region enveloping both you and the seducer.

在爱的诱惑中,幻相可以被用于从诱惑者身上转移信息、气、记录、能量运作系统或业力给受诱惑者,或者反之。In the seduction of love, the fantasy can be used to transfer information, chi, records, moving energy systems or karma from the seducer to the seduced or visa versa.