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特别是两个宝宝凑在一起时简直是可爱至极。Especially the babies they are just so adorably cute together.

罗琳的小说,把这位闻名遐迩的少年巫师画进了可爱幽默的招贴画里。Rowling's books about the boy wizard into adorably rendered posters.

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但只能用文字表达的,我们要把那块美妙守住。But can convey with the character only, we should defend that adorably.

幸运的是,所有单位都被精妙地呈现出来,栩栩如生讨人喜欢。Fortunately, all of the units are cleverly realized and adorably animated.

当你们最后推开对方,四目相对时,他可爱的迷惑的表情使你不禁笑出了声。When you finally open your eyes and pull away, his adorably befuddled expression amuses you.

但是,IU对于其余两首歌的努力十分可爱,引起了在场其他人的欢笑。However, IU struggled rather adorably to the rest of the songs, drawing smiles from the rest of the cast.

谁还会去回忆起过去在一起的点点滴滴,我们在圣诞节的除夕不能把火车模型拼在一起就沮丧不已?But who else will recall how adorably frustrated you got putting that model train set together on Christmas Eve?

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最近,我感觉自己仿佛要被逼着要挑选一个投靠阵营,要么支持墨西哥人,要么支持亚利桑那人。Lately I feel as if I'm being forced to choose between Mexicans and Arizonans, two groups I find adorably quaint.

我儿子是个可爱的金发小男孩,但他像所有四岁小孩一样有本事弄坏一副名牌太阳镜。My son is adorably blond but he is as capable of snapping a pair of designer sunglasses as any other four-year-old.

欢迎体验嘉贝诗果萃系列产品带给您的美妙感受!The welcome experiences Jia Beishi comes together to be experienced what series product brings you adorably if really!

一旦设想形成,她就会赶紧把它们带回家来,帮助她实现那些美妙的想像。Once the tentative idea is formed, she can bring back them rapidly the home comes, help her come true those are envisaged adorably.

小时候的尼姆,童装穿在身上即得体又可爱,与其说是小猩猩,倒不如说是一个真正的人类小宝贝,似乎总是恰到好处地激发人的怜爱和保护之情。Young Nim, adorably clothed in outfits more suited to a toddler than a baby chimpanzee, seems perfectly designed to excite feelings of affection and protectiveness.