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参加女同性爱派对?Attending a lesbian sex party?

年度最佳女同性恋?但,有反对票!Lesbian of the Year? Mais, non!

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有时真愿望自己也是个女同志。Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.

嘿,日本女同性恋女学生!Hey, Japanese lesbian schoolgirls!

你生命中是否有女同性恋者?Do you have a lesbian in your life?

格尔达有同性恋倾向。Gerda had her own lesbian leanings.

朱丽叶·班德尔的女同性恋者生活指南Julie Bindel's guide to lesbian life

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谁会比我更有资格去开办一个女同性恋学校呢?Who better to run a lesbian school than me?

我问你,要卡萝的女同志终身伴侣才行吗?。Do you have to be Carol's lesbian life partner?

27岁的韩心澄认为她的父母知道她是同性恋。Han, 27, thinks her parents know she is a lesbian.

还有比艾伦德杰尼勒斯更有名的女同性恋吗?Is there a more famous lesbian than Ellen DeGeneres?

你可能会问在这一点上,怎么样女同志的性别?You might ask, at this point, what about lesbian sex?

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阿米特,是28岁,有一个女同性恋结婚没有兴趣。Amit, who is 28, has no interest in marrying a lesbian.

一名拉拉创办了印度第一家同志网络书店。A lesbian has opened India's first online gay bookstore.

不管怎么说,现在的重点是,我如何才能让她了解我是拉拉呢?Anyway, the point is, how can I make her see that I’m a lesbian?

同性恋酒吧、俱乐部、亲友团及网站如雨后春笋般出现。Gay and lesbian bars, clubs, support groups and websites abound.

有时候我真希望自己是个女同性恋。——我刚刚讲出声来了吗?Sometimes I wish I were a lesbian. Did I just say that out loud?

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一位住在英国的伊朗女同性恋正是这种情况。Such is the case of an Iranian lesbian who is living in Britain.

如果奥尔特有某个人认为我是同性恋,又关数字何事呢?What did numbers care if everyone at Ault thought I was a lesbian?

难道我们真的没有足够的女同性恋作家而需要这些人来虚构吗?Do we not have enough lesbian writers without having to make them up?