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那你该怎么评估收益?How do you assess that?

我们需要去评价它吗?Do we need to assess it?

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我们咋评估这些价值呢?How do we assess the value?

如果是,我们如何评价它?If so, how do we assess it?

评估全组织范围内的风险。b.Assess organization-wide risk.

换言之,为什么不需要评判合规性?IOW, why _not_ assess compliance?

他们给他房子的估价为15000元。They assess his house at 15000 yuan.

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评估病人睡眼呼吸及CPAP。Assess breathing during sleep with CPAP.

通过评审规格来评估状态。Assess status by reviewing specifications.

你是如何评判美印伙伴关系吗?How would you assess US-India partnership?

评估病人外括约机控制情况。Assess ability to control external sphincter.

估计项目再造工程的范围。Assess the scope of the reengineering project.

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随后就轮到大家来鉴定白求恩的工作了。Then it was their turn to assess Bethune's work.

评估病人低血压性发作或癫痫史。Assess history of hypotensive episodes or seizures.

我们评估所有的新闻报道,测试他们的真实性。We assess all news stories and test their veracity.

他们派了一位估价者去给房子估价。They sent a valuer to assess the value of the house.

因此,他们试着去评定自己哪里出了问题。Hence, they try to assess themselves what went wrong.

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评估组织向董事会报告的机制。Assess organization′s reporting mechanism to the board.

年度性审核并评估本章成的适足性。Review and assess the adequacy of this charter annually.

我们非常确定的估计已经使用沙林。We assess with high confidence that Sarin has been used.