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我也是一名图书馆员。I am a librarian too.

图书馆梨园在图书馆里工作。A librarian works in a library.

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你管图书馆多久了?。How long have you been librarian?

她从一个图书馆管理员当上了目前的下议院议员。From being a librarian she is now an MP.

她很担心,图书员也一样。She was worried and so was the librarian.

他把归还的书交给图书管理员。He deposited his returned books with the librarian.

我真的很喜欢有点古典、又有点图书管理员式的别致风格。I really like sort of classic, kind of librarian chic.

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图书管理员把头往后面一仰,尖着嗓子哈哈大笑。The librarian threw back his head and laughed shrilly.

她的母亲玛丽•蒲尔在王后学院的图书馆找到了一份工作。Mary Boole got a job as a librarian in Queen's College.

新图书馆长成功地募集了新图书馆的款项。The new librarian put across a fine new library building.

图书管理员说那本书我可以借一个星期。The librarian said that I might have that book for ony week.

员迅速地把这些新书登记于图书目录。The old librarian illuminated some old books and manuscript.

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一名慷慨的图书管理员对图书馆的安全是有责任的。A liberal librarian should be liable for the library's safety.

让他吃惊的是,慷慨的图书管理员甚至还给了他一些钱!To his surprise, the liberal librarian even gave him some money!

麦可离开后,保罗决定像图书馆员寻求协助。After Mike leaves, Paul decides to ask for help from a librarian.

图书管理员把书推回去,并告诉他签上名。The librarian pushed the books back and told him to sign them out.

律师的技巧对我做好法律图书馆员而言,大有助益。This lawyer’s skill is very useful to me as a reference librarian.

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图书管理员认为汤姆从图书馆里面偷书了。Tom was accused of stealing books from the library by the librarian.

在她晚年,她当过教师、图书管理员,甚至还做过仆人。In her later years, she worked as a teacher, a librarian and as maid.

你可以按照类型,书名或者是你知道的作者,通过在线目录来查找,我可以告诉你在哪里。Are you the librarian? Maybe you can help me, I am looking for a book.