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好的,这是给你和罗伊费尔斯通的。Alright, this is for you and Roy Firestone.

我要证明自己比费尔斯通的人更能干。I wanted to prove myself better than Firestone.

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我刚刚把这个店卖给了费尔斯通的米奇·西迪。I just sold the place to Mitch Heedy at Firestone.

牛郎不厌天河阔,织女但求凡世欢。Tianhe not object to Cowboy wide, but Weaver for Huan Firestone.

凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福。Firestone noise and bright, worldly pleasures and happiness as crystal-clear streams.

今天,凡世通已经是一个国际知名的品牌,是优质橡胶产品的象征。Today the Firestone brand is internationally known as a symbol of quality rubber products.

有天刚过中午,尼克在帮我修理一辆费尔斯通送来的70年代中期的方程式赛车。Early one afternoon Nick was helping me with a mid-’70s Formula that Firestone had sent by.

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福特,凡世通争端已经结束的关系可以追溯到哈维和亨利福特。Can be traced Ford, Firestone dispute about the relationship back "to" Harvey and Henry Ford.

凡士通通过北京公司的培训中心提供多种培训项目。Firestone offers a variety of training programs at its training center in the Beijing office.

米其林普利司通固特异倍耐力横滨大陆火石一般Falken酒店Primewell。Bridgestone "Firestone" Goodyear Michelin Continental Pirelli Yokohama General Falken Hotel Primewell.

在接下来的几十年,凡世通扩展成为一家全球性的公司,开发了多元化的橡胶制品。In the next decades Firestone expanded to a worldwide organization developing diversified rubber products.

通过与合作伙伴的通力合作,我们携手为商业屋顶产业树立了优秀的榜样。Together with our partners, Firestone sets the standard for excellence in the commercial roofing industry.

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如今,凡士通位于美国阿肯色州普瑞斯考的EPDM生产厂已成为世界上最大的EPDM生产厂。The Firestone EPDM plant in Prescott, Arkansas, USA, is the largest EPDM manufacturing facility in the world.

即便电光火石地闪过,可那个瞬间,我确实真真正正地厌恶了你,虽然我们是朋友。Even if Firestone electro-optical and flash, that moment, I really really tired of you, although we are friends.

其出色的性能使得凡士通建筑产品公司成为单层屋顶系统生产的龙头。This performance record has made Firestone Building Products the leading supplier of Single-Ply Roofing Systems.

此外,凡士通还可以为分销商及承包商提供优质的技术支持,其中包括。In addition, Firestone offers a superior support to its network of affiliate distributors and contractors such as.

凡士通建筑产品公司是凡士通多种产品公司的分部,而该公司是则美国普利司通的分公司。The company is a division of Firestone Diversified Products, LLC, which is a subsidiary of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.

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凡世通的声音是第一个商业电台节目,同时进行调幅和调频的广播电台。The Voice of Firestone was the first commercial radio program to be carried simultaneously on both AM and FM radio stations.

当然,自我费尔斯通轮胎和粉碎他们的媒体没有什么丑闻有关的帮助浏览器的形象,以及。Certainly the self-shredding Firestone tires and their related media scandal did nothing to help the Explorer's image, as well.

1900年,哈维•S•凡世通先生在美国阿克伦州创立了凡士通轮胎橡胶公司,从此凡士通公司走便踏上了其成功之路。The Firestone success story started in 1900 when Mr. Harvey S. Firestone founded the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company in Akron, USA.