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产于马来半岛和苏门答腊岛的貘。a tapir found in Malaya and Sumatra.

獐獏乡乡政府驻獐獏村。Franch tapir Rural Village Government in Franch tapir.

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貘用它的象鼻捡起它食用的树叶和树枝。The tapir uses its trunk to pick up the leaves and twigs it eats.

汉堡动物园,一只巴西貘在照看他两个月大的小巴西貘。A Brazilian Tapir looks after his 2 month old offspring at the Hamburg Zoo

现在,他已经和黛比快乐地结合了。Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol, and he and Debbie are joyfully united.

特怀克罗斯动物园在布里斯托找到了一只公貘。现在,他已经和黛比快乐地结合了。Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol, and he and Debbie are joyfully united.

这里,一只Baird’s貘搜寻所需食料在哥斯达黎加的Corcovado国家的公园。Here, a Baird's tapir forages in a clearing in Costa Rica's Corcovado National Park.

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今天忘记下午的课取消了,但是马来貘的画我是已经画完了!I forgot I have no Image Maker class today, but I finished my drawing about Tapir already.

它是美洲三种貘类当中体型最小的。Also known as mountain danta, this animal is the smallest of the three species of tapir that exist in America

豫在夜晚遇见了「貘」,发现梦貘并没有传说中的邪恶,反而对貘产生了好奇。One night, when Yu met "Tapir", he discovered that Tapir was not as evil as in the legendary. He was curious about Tapir.

有着圆鼓鼓丰满身材的貘,在泰国的传说中认为天神在创造动物时,搓圆了多余的黏土,而形成了这种动物。In the traditional genesis legend in Thailand, the Malayan tapir was made of redundant clay to explain its body shape both round and full.

得瞳鬼、九凤、雷貘、狰、深红、蛮、巨齿七妖魔相助,且看主角如何力挽狂澜、平妖荡魔!The pupil to devils, and nine chicken, ray, the malayan tapir Zheng, scarlet, pretty, huge tooth seven evil help, and see leading role out how to fix, flat demon swing magic!