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蒸汽可能引起闪火或具有爆炸性。Vapors may cause a flash fire or ignite explosively.

然而基督徒的人数却持续有爆炸性地成长。Yet the number of Christians continues to grow explosively.

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浮游植物的数量可以在数天或数周内爆炸性增长。Phytoplankton can grow explosively over a few days or weeks.

似乎海平面上升会引起更多的火山大爆发。More volcanoes seem to erupt explosively with rising sea levels.

该研究可为相关爆炸驱动问题研究及结构设计提供参考。The study can be applied to explosively driven structural design.

一百万年前,熔化的岩浆在海波之上爆发性喷发出来。A million years ago, molten magma explosively burst above the waves.

与此同时,网络的规模和复杂性出现了爆炸性的增长。At the same time, size and complexity of the network increase explosively.

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投资者预见到了一个能带来巨大回报的市场机会。Investors foresaw a market opportunity that would be explosively profitable.

Bharti公司增长迅猛,比印度的任何公司拥有的用户都多。Bharti has grown explosively to handle more subscribers than any other company in India.

中国社会的方方面面包括基础研究都呈现出蓬勃向上的发展势头。Every aspect of Chinese society seems to be developing explosively , including basic research.

我相信,在未来数年中,集装箱化运输将会爆炸般地持续发展。I believe, in the future several years, containerized traffic will explosively sustained-develop.

位于非洲东北部国家厄立特里亚境内的纳布诺火山于当地时间2011年6月12日开始喷发。Located in the East African nation of Eritrea, Nabro began its eruption explosively on June 12, 2011.

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这些氢气成为需要被排出的气体的一部分,氢气接下来与外界的空气混合,氢气和氧气结合爆炸。That hydrogen then mixes with the surrounding air. Hydrogen and oxygen can then recombine explosively.

富氧空气会导致在空气中可燃的材料燃烧得更剧烈,或者甚至发生爆炸。Oxygen-enriched atmospheres can cause materials that burn in air to burn more violently or even explosively.

铯遇水发生爆炸性反应,极易与氧化合,因而被用作电子管的吸气剂。It reacts explosively with cold water and is used to scavenge traces of oxygen and other gases in electron tubes.

在风暴闯入她们的生活之前,茜德与克莉斯汀一直生活在民权运动之前的轻松亲密的氛围中。Heed and Christine live in the easy weather of pre-civil rights intimacy until they are explosively interfered with.

近几年网路游戏业快速地成长,有许厂商纷纷加入这个领域并且赚取了大量的收入。The online game industry grows explosively in recent years. Many entertainment companies invest in online game development and receive great profit.

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这类ETF过去一年间呈爆炸式增长,因散户投资者进入这一市场,给了金价莫大的支撑.Such ETFs grew explosively over the past year after the financial crisis as retail investors entered the market, giving significant support to gold prices.

之后短短几个月的时间,wikipedia的英文文本就达到接近叁万个,而这里正是wikipedia开始急转之上的转折点.随后wikipedia文本就开始剧增。Over the next few months – as Wikipedia approached 30, 000 articles in English – an inflection point was reached, and Wikipedia started to grow explosively.

从形核规律出发,提出了持续形核长大和“爆炸式形核长大”的非晶晶化模型。Obeying the nucleation regularity, the model of the crystallization of amorphous alloys, namely, continually and explosively nucleation and growth. is put forward.