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他看到我,脱掉帽子,满脸都是阿谀的神色。When he saw me, he took off his hat with an air of gorgeous servility.

他的一部分,铝-马利基已表示是有限制的,以他的奴性。For his part al-Maliki has indicated there are limits to his servility.

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“奴性性”是妨碍自由权利行使的根源。"Servility" is obstruct the exercise of the right to freedom of the root.

病情的严重性分为不同等级,其影响随时间变化而发生改变。There're different levels of servility and the effects can change over time.

对金钱的迷恋和崇拜使人类的奴性地位达到了极端。Infatuation and worship to money led people's servility to an extreme degree.

他清楚地看到维克多的脸庞映在镜子,象一个表情温和、奴性十足的面具。He could see the reflection of Victor's face perfectly. It was like a placid mask of servility.

因为他的奴态成为了暴君的猎物,因为他的轻信顽固成为了启蒙的天敌。By its servility it is the prey of tyranny, and by its credulity it is the foe of enlightenment.

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世界的其他地方正逐渐摆脱对君主制的崇拜,和对贵族荣誉的奴颜婢膝。The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond "idolatry to monarchs" and " servility to aristocratic pride".

但是作为封建大家庭中的一员,她又不可能避免地沾染上浓重的奴性。But as one of the family in feudal environment , she is impossible to avoid contaminating on the strong servility.

他们站在聊天一样轻松和自然可以,女孩没有一丝害羞或奴性。They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as could be, the girl without a trace of shyness or servility.

这些“志士”们的洋奴嘴脸比起美德英法来更无耻,更混蛋。These "Patriots" in the face of servility to foreigners than the virtues of British and French to more brazen, more bastard.

为什么他们可以轻蔑地说别人是汉奸,却丝毫不认为自己的麻木不仁卑躬屈膝是一种罪恶。Why can they say that other people are contemptuous traitor, but that is not indifferent to their servility is a Kinds of evil.

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这就是大多数国人还存在的一种没有苏醒的愿意被别人吆喝着侍奉的奴性所至。This is what the majority of people still have not regained the kind of people were willing to serve the call of servility Suozhi.

现在,除了全民教育之外,别无其它能够抵消这种资本统治和奴役劳工倾向的途径。Now, surely, nothing but Universal Education can counter-work this tendency to the domination of capital and the servility of labor.

“伤痕—反思”小说的文本特征凸显了作家与民众封建、愚昧的奴性意识。The textual characteristics of trauma & introspection novels reflects the consciousness of servility of the feudal and ignorant writers and public.

应该发布另外一个在思想、时尚、行为方面结束美国效仿欧洲模式的独立宣言。Another Declaration of Independence needed to be promulgated, a declaration ending American servility to European modes of thought, fashion, and manners.

他们对身份高贵者卑躬屈膝、阿谀奉承,对地位低下者则傲慢十足、不可一世。Intellectual capacity is sometimes found associated with the meanest moral character with abject servility to those in high places, and arrogance to those of low estate.

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对鲜花和掌声的渴望往往促使他们拜倒在任何能带来荣誉的东西面前,而恭维讨好那些拥有强大影响和权力的魔鬼显然比直接讨好大众更容易一举成名。The desire for applause tends to inspire servility in anyone subject to it—and it is a short step from flattering one's public to flattering monsters who wield influence and power.

谢天赐在求学期间喜欢一位名叫韩疏影的女同学,追求三年均被韩疏影拒绝,就是因为韩疏影看不惯他身上那股浓浓的奴性。Tse during studying like a female classmate named han thin film, the pursuit of the three annual were rejected by Korea thin film because of Koreas thin film that strong servility dont like him.

从两个列车长迥然不同的行为方式里人们可以看出,中国铁路工作人员对自己的同胞多的是傲骨,而对日籍旅客多的是奴性。Two very different from the conductor's behavior, people can see that the Chinese railway workers on their own people is the number of characters, while the number of Japanese visitors is servility.