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这意味着你要厚着脸皮的自我推销。This means being an unabashed self promoter.

我想看看褪去羞涩后的她欢欣雀跃时的一面。I wanted to see her unabashed expression of joy.

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来自宾夕法尼亚州的众议员杰克·穆萨算是其中之最。One of the biggest — and most unabashed — pork procurers is Rep.

他只要稍微表示出鼓励的意思,我就毫不害羞地把草稿本拿出来。At the least encouragement out would come my manuscript book, unabashed.

在球场之外,她把冷酷刚强的个性和毫不掩饰的女性特征惊人地融合在一起。When off court, she's a striking blend of steeliness and unabashed femininity.

他是所谓“亚洲价值观”的死忠,即,爱原则胜于爱自由。He was an unabashed advocate of "Asian values", favouring discipline over freedom.

金君瓦拉是仓位集中理论的坚定支持者。Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is an unabashed proponent of the concentrated portfolio theory.

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她不害羞而好奇地直盯著我那曾经包裹双腿的空洞裤管。She stared with unabashed curiosity at the empty pants that once contained my legs.

始终拥有完美的自信,Lagerfeld也寻找着更具有创意和挑战性的工作。Confident and unabashed Lagerfeld is looking forward to more creative inspiration and hard work.

还有厚颜无耻的对希特勒种族主义的崇拜,更是无法解释这其间巨大的关联。Nor does it seem greatly relevant, given their unabashed admiration for Hitler's racial beliefs.

他曾公开自己是一个漫画迷,他喜欢自己画动漫,这个星期他的漫画销量直线上升。An unabashed fan of manga comics, the shares of whose publishers soared this week, he loves to press the flesh.

佩林没有全国性的政治经验,作为州长也只有不到两年,但是她本人却处之泰然。Palin has no national experience and less than two years experience as governor, but she is unabashed about that.

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超过三部的好莱坞电影对续集难分难舍,依旧厚脸皮的将第二集搬上美国电影院。Hollywood's love affair with the sequel continues unabashed with no less than 3 part 2s set for release in the US.

约翰在结尾以原始的野性嗓音演唱,真实展现了他无所在乎、无所憾恨的个性。John's vocal is brutally raw towards the finale of the song and it really shows his unabashed and unapologetic personality.

整个作品充满新鲜的创意与浪漫气息,是我自始至今最喜爱的十部影片之一。The production is filled with so much creativity and unabashed romanticism that it remains on my top ten films of all time.

可识别的上周末,中国孔子基金会为一铜制孔子像揭幕,引起人们的争议。Critics say the image , commissioned by the china confucius foundation and unveiled in a bronze statue at the weekend , is unabashed.

这一切看上去也许很不妥。公认的美国公路越野车王竟然被中国收购,一个自行车大行其道的国家。It might seem incongruous that a plaything for the unabashed American road warrior is shifting to a country where the bicycle once ruled.

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梅塞尔灵活运用对时尚毫不避讳著迷于外表的喜好,同时设计一套巧妙的文化批判类型。Mr . meisel exploits an unabashed affection for fashion ' s surface obsession while simultaneously devising a sly form of cultural critique.

朝鲜三番四次、毫不掩饰的轻蔑行径对其他有核野心的国家来说是种鼓励,他们会想他们或许也能摆脱联合国的约束。And the repeated, unabashed character of his nose-thumbing is encouraging others with nuclear ambitions to think they could get away with it too.

“我认为她会不折不扣地对罗伯茨前脚走后脚跟—包括在其他大法官可能不会或者不能做的情况下”,哈里.利特曼,这位与卡根和罗伯茨都共过事的前美国司法部长这样说。“I think she'd be unabashed about going toe-to-toe with Roberts—including in cases where other justices maybe wouldn't or couldn't,” said Harry Litman, a former U.