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我把箱子背到楼上。I humped the case upstairs.

猫咪见到狗后弓起了背。Cat's back humped when she saw a dog.

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他背一大袋煤炭上楼。He humped a big sack of coal upstairs.

林莽蜷伏着,沉默地蜷伏着。The jungle crouched, humped in silence.

一想到她的离去,他就感到闷闷不乐。He was humped when thinking about her leaving.

我们六个人已把你那张大书桌搬上去了。Your huge desk has been humped up by six of us.

白猫看见那条狗时便弓起背来。The white cat humped up her back when she saw the dog.

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在捕捉猎物前,老虎弓起了他的脊背。The tiger humped his back before he sprang on the game.

汤姆弓着身子,双手捂着肚子。Tom humped himself with two hands pressing his stomach.

野牛是有蹄动物,背部有隆肉,毛粗而长。The bison is a hoofed animal with a humped back and long, coarse hair.

不管怎么说,30年来一直不断有人报导见到了一个有驼峰般隆起的背部的不知是什么的动物。In any case, people have reported seeing a humped what-is-it for over 30 years.

尽提利昂所能及能看到的就是有一个有着肉瘤的不祥巨物从河里升起。All Tyrion could see was something massive rising from the river, humped and ominous.

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另外,两层之间平缓不突兀也是至关重要的。It is also critical that the slope between the levels be flat and not convex or humped.

结果我的狗在他鞋上撒了泡尿,我的兔子疯狂地缠住他的腿不肯放开。My dog peed all over his shoes and my rabbit furiously humped his leg and wouldn't let go.

自做孽不可活呀,学校的朋友都知道我对我的泰迪熊做了什么。I'll be damned if she didn't tell all of our friends at school that I humped my teddy bear.

围绕7000年,芝麻,茄子,和峰牛已被驯化的印度河。Around 7000 BC, sesame, eggplant, and humped cattle had been domesticated in the Indus Valley.

那个可怜的老人窝在角落已一整天了,向过路人乞讨着钱和食物。The poor old man has been humped over the corner for a whole day, begging money and food from passers-by.

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牛鱼属的有吸盘的鱼类,背部隆起,常多在密西西比河流域发现。Any of several suckers of the genus Ictiobus, having a humped back and found mostly in the Mississippi Valley.

消除不熔凝胶的另一个方案是采用“驼峰”型温度组合。Another strategy for eliminating unmelts is to use what is commonly referred to as a "humped" temperature profile.

在工程实践中,经常遇到求单峰函数的极值问题,对这类函数能迅速有效地求出最优点具有实际意义。In a engineering practice, we often meet with the problem that how to seek the extreme value of one- humped function.