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在那个强风般中的梦想,有感到那鼓勇气,去捉紧握她的手。Hold that hand when you feel gutsy in that gusty dream.

阵风把犹他州野火吹至盐湖城郊区。Gusty winds whip Utah wildfire into Salt Lake City suburb.

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我的意思是这个男人所做的一切都是不道德的。By the gusty thing I mean, This man is wicked in what he did.

“维米号”很快就开始把沿海的多风气候甩在后面。Soon the Vimy began to leave the gusty coastal weather behind.

星期四风很大,周训书在前五洞中三洞打出了柏忌。Playing in gusty winds Thursday, Zhou bogeyed three of the first five holes.

调查显示,意外当日刮起凛烈阵风。Investigation revealed that there was strong gusty wind on day of the accident.

阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour.

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想到几年前的那阵大风,殷彩霞拖着疲惫的身躯爬上了老外的床。With the year-ago gusty wind in mind, Caixia dragged her fatigued body climbing onto the bed.

祢保护我们经历狂风骤雨,甚至使用暴风雨祝福我们。You protected us through gusty winds and torrential rains, and even used the storm to bless us.

拍完上面几张,没两天,天色骤变,风急雨大,叶落了不少。The next day, the weather turned sour again, heavy rain and gusty wind brought down a lot of leaves.

海上的风完全可能象陆上的风一样具有阵性,且它在两地改变方向同样频繁。Winds are just as likely to be gusty at sea as on land, and just as likely to change direction as not.

在细雨和刮风中,我爬上了沙丘,之后,雨停了,而且太阳悄悄地露出来了。After I climbed on to the sand dune in the light rain and gusty wind, the rain stopped and sun peeked out.

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并且指出,该阵风系数随高度呈负指数规律变化。It is shown that the variation of gusty cueffieient with height can be fitted by negative exponential law.

在秋天的阵风和落叶里,生与死的组合是多么的奇怪和令人恐惧啊!——江节明译。How strange and awful is the synthesis of life and death in the gusty winds and falling leaves of an autumnal day!

在媒体现代化进程中,媒体对安全事故、突发事件的关注度也日益升温。In the processing of media modernization, Media are focusing on safety accidents and gusty happenings day and day.

那天又湿又冷,天上飘着零星的雪花,寒风阵阵,因为电车速度飞快,更加冷得无法忍受。The day was raw, with a sprinkling of snow and a gusty wind, made all the more intolerable by the speed of the car.

开窗大小随季节调整,注意不要让孩子睡在风口。The windowing size along with the seasonal adjustments, pays attention do not let the child rest in the gusty area.

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该方法能有效抵御突发噪声干扰对通信系统的影响,提高混沌调制通信系统的通信质量。The method has the ability to resist the gusty noise in the channel and improve the quality of the chaotic communication.

这次,我记得,我躺在橡木壁橱里,并且很清晰的听见外面的大风,还有被风吹的雪的声音。This time, I remembered I was lying in the oak closet, and I heard distinctly the gusty wind, and the driving of the snow.

顶部尽头海滨附近将有一两场雨。爱丽丝普林斯附近将有局部阵雨,西南部将有暴风。A shower or two near the coast in the Top End. Isolated showers near Alice Springs and a late gusty storm in the southwest.