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结果会让别人更加得鄙视你!The result can let others must distain you more!

其中之一就是都鄙视现在产品中应用的标签。One of those is a mutual distain for modern produce labels.

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他有点儿霸道,经常蔑视别人的观点。He is a bit bossy and often treats other people's ideas with distain.

“那是什么?”派克先生问道,用一种好奇的轻视的眼神看着普波赛。What is it?" Mr. Pike asked, eyeing poopsy with a kind of curious distain."

咱们在抱怨鄙视百度垄断行为的同时,为什么不加以利用他们呢。We are complaining distain Baidu forestall behavior while, why to try to use them.

为什么杜邦可以蔑视践踏法律,那些小商贩就必须“有法必依”呢?Why could Du Pont distain and trample the law, but venders have to observe all laws?

而不好的邀请语,则会被视为广告,遭到群友的鄙视。And bad invitation language, can be regarded as advertisement, suffer group of friend distain.

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当然,有些青年作家可能很不屑,但这是我们的一种姿态。Of course, some youths writer is likely very distain , but a kind of attitude that this is us.

年轻人往往看不起老人的哲学,片面认为他们都是过时的、无用的。Young people often distain the philosophy of the old, regarding their ideas as obsolete and useless.

当你们行走走你们的时日里,请觉察于这些时间门,这些黑洞,这些脏污的能量。As you walk through your days, be aware of these timed doors, these black holes, these energies of distain.

网友“春花”显然对此产品不屑一顾,“哪儿有什么鬼魂啊,纯粹是花钱吓唬自己。”" netizen " spring flower " distain to be considered to this product apparently, "Has what spirit, it is beautiful money him gally purely.

我们认为苹果DRM的限制是最大的事情,但你看看销售数字,其实是不成立的。We here on the blog-space seem to think that the distain for Apple's DRM is a majority ideal, but when you look at the sales figures that doesn't hold up.

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如今周朝朝纲与神农氏时实施的政策相去已远,也不符道的要求,我俩为什么要处身在这样的环境之中,沾污我们的德性呢?Nowadays, the governance of Zhou is far from Shennong Shi's, and also out of accordance with Tao. Why do we stay in this place so as to distain our virtue?

走向新世纪的形神理论能够成为具有民族特色的中国现代文学艺术理论建设的可用资源,将是本文的最终期待。It will be expection of the thesis that Chinese appearance-spirit theory became useful resources of establishing of Chinese modern literature and art system with national distain chive features.