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这首歌听起来非常熟悉。The song is irritatingly familiar.

这可能听上去像是一个抽象或虔诚得让人恼火的请求。That might sound like an irritatingly abstract or pious plea.

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大赌客却时常被迫得进行恼人的小额赌注。Big gamblers were often forced to place irritatingly small bets.

我再也无法平静,眼睛喷了火,逼视着他。I could not hold my calmness any more and shouted at him irritatingly.

现阶段,书籍、电影、音乐、新闻报纸等行业都在慢慢发生变化向电子化过渡,只有广为使用的“钱”仍然原地踏步。In an era when books, movies, music, and newsprint are transmuting from atoms to bits, money remains irritatingly analog.

但当讯问刘易斯尤斯顿项目究竟是什么时,这位总编,一位充满自信、喜欢在公众场合侃侃而谈的人,却令人恼火地含糊其辞。But when you ask Lewis what exactly the Euston Project is, the editor-in-chief, a supremely confident showman, is irritatingly coy.

做面包需要更多的小麦,更别提还要累死累活的捡那些散落在地上的恼人的种子。Much more wheat is needed to make bread, not to mention the backbreaking task of picking up loose seeds that tumble irritatingly to the ground.

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让人气愤地是,我见著这些鬼魂的时候通常都是单独一个人的时候,我倒也不想告诉任何人这些事,我不想让他们觉得我是屈服于他们的压力了。Irritatingly enough, it was usually when I was alone, not that I wanted to share it with anyone.I wouldn't want them to think I was buckling under the pressure.

让人气愤地是,我见着这些鬼魂的时候通常都是单独一个人的时候,我倒也不想告诉任何人这些事,我不想让他们觉得我是屈服于他们的压力了。Irritatingly enough, it was usually when I was alone, not that I wanted to share it with anyone. I wouldn’t want them to think I was buckling under the pressure.

让人气愤地是,我见着这些鬼魂的时候通常都是单独一个人的时候,我倒也不想告诉任何人这些事,我不想让他们觉得我是屈服于他们的压力了。Irritatingly enough, it was usually when I was alone, not that I wanted to share it with anyone. I wouldn't want them to think I was buckling 24 under the pressure.

风景优美的肯尼亚马赛马拉国家公园里,一只过于活跃的幼狮激怒了老爸。This young fellow seen here invoked the ire of daddy lion with some irritatingly bouncy behaviour in the stunning surroundings of the Masai Mara national reserve in Kenya.