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唐山在我眼中是座催人奋进的城市。Tangshan in my eyes is an inspiring city.

我来自特性掸人城市,河北省。I come from Tangshan city, Hebei Province.

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唐山最好的宠物医院是哪家?。Which family is the best Tangshan pet hospital?

唐山市皮影剧团成立于1943年。Tangshan shadow play troupe was founded in 1943.

唐山地震34周年,市民悼念遇难者。Tangshan mourns quake victims on 34th anniversary.

唐山恒瑞制作的瓷器现在正在运往英国途中。Tangshan Hengrui plates are now on their way to the UK.

我们坚信,中材重机将拥有一个光辉灿烂的明天!We believe Sinoma Tangshan will have a splendid future.

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唐山在众人眼中是座催人奋进的城市。Tangshan in the eyes of the public is an inspiring city.

唐山市是在旧城城址上重建的。The city fo Tangshan was rebuilt on the site of the old city.

唐山遭受地震以来二十多年已经过去了。Twenty years has passed since Tangshan was hit by earthquake.

主要港口包括秦皇岛港、黄骅港和唐山港。Major coastal ports include Qinhuangdao, Huanghua and Tangshan.

来自唐山的义工们为养老院做出了很多贡献。Volunteer from Tangshan contributes a lot to the nursing house.

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今天唐山已能生产大量的细瓷了。Today Tangshan is turning out large quantities of fine porcelain.

就在此时,肇庆收到了从唐山寄给劳工们的信。At this time, zhaoqing received from tangshan send workers letter.

公司位于唐山市路北区华岩北路68号。Company located at Tangshan Lubei District China crag north road 68.

第二阶段的赛段位于汤山县,距离维修区约40公里。Leg two is located in Tangshan County, about 40 km away from SV park.

田庄水库是沂源县城区的主要后备水源地。Qiuzhuang reservior is one of the main water sources in Tangshan city.

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朱掌柜是唐山丰润人,祖上就做豆腐生意。Zhu shopkeeper Tangshan rich, people, ancestors to make tofu business.

他的祖父东拉西扯地谈了半天唐山的地震。His grandfather roamed over the earthquake in Tangshan for a long time.

巴贝拉意式休闲餐厅、唐山总代理。Palestinian Beira Italy type leisure dining room, Tangshan general agent.