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你已经吃了一个梨子。You have eaten a pear.

直接烫个梨花头。Direct hot a pear head.

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妈妈,要梨还是要葡萄?A pear or a grape, Mama?

这种梨是酸的。This kind of pear is sour.

摘一个橙子,摘一个梨子。Pick an orange, pick a pear.

这梨带点酸味。This pear tastes a bit sour.

给你一个梨,接着!Here's a pear for you. Catch !

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和一只鹧鸪在梨树。And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

他的腮帮子里塞满梨。His cheek is stuffed with pear.

梨花落尽成秋苑。Leafless autumn pear into Court.

她拿起一只梨,一口咬下去。She took a pear and bit into it.

这个梨子的果心腐烂了。This pear is rotten at the core.

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这儿我们围绕着仙人球Here we go round the prickly pear

我们沿着黄梨齐步走。We're marching around yellow pear.

他一直在修剪梨树。He has been pruning the pear trees.

我家住在梨树大街1659号。My home is at 1659 pear tree street.

酸奶,点心,火龙果,梨。Yogurt, Dim Sum , dragon fruit, pear.

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除了一个银肉豆蔻和一个金梨。But a silver nutmeg and a golden pear.

把梨烂的地方剜掉。Scoop out the rotten part of the pear.

这梨熟得能让我吃了。The pear is ripe enough for me to eat.