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嗯,你们可以推断一下。Well, you can kind of infer.

我们可以推断黑棋输了。We can infer that black lost.

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我们必须进行推断。We've got to infer something.

而在OWL中,一个值域可被用来推断一个类型。In OWL, a range may be used to infer a type.

我们是否应推论出伊朗没有发射导弹?Are we to infer that no missiles were launched?

从你的笑颜不妨看出你很高兴。I infer from your smile that you are pleottomd.

你可以从他的话语中猜测其含义。You may infer from his remarks the implications.

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我们可以从上下文中推断这个词的含义。We can infer the meaning of the word in the context.

速率统量计是从连续不断的流注中推出指示数据。Rate meters infer a readout from a continuous stream.

从你的话中我可以推断出你会去做的。I can infer from what you've said that you will do it.

从迈尔斯博士和沃尔姆博士的论文中我们可以推知。We can infer from Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm's paper that.

我们通常从动理学中推断出分子反应机制。We often infer molecular mechanisms based on kinetics.

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我们根据埃菲尔铁塔周围的环境来推断它是有意义的。in which we infer the Eiffel Tower from its surroundings.

他们的工作就是监测一切应用行为,并推断所有的行动。Their job is to instrument all usage and infer all action.

我对过去有所体验,同时对未来推断出更多的相同点。I've experienced that in the past and I infer more of the same in the future.

在一条强制链里面,一个节点仅能推断出下一个继承的节点。In a forcing chain, a node can only infer the next successive node downstream.

因为一旦我们知道,我们可以推断这三个假设是正确的。Because once we know that, we can infer which of the three hypotheses is correct.

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我推断他对区分不同会谈中的报价隔山观虎斗。I infer that he is indifferent to differentiating the offers in different conferences.

这里,我们描绘了这些类别,及推断蛋白质功能的计算机模拟方法。Here, we characterize these classes and in silico approaches to infer protein function.

你必须能自行推断命运的好歹,而不需算命师。You yourself are able to infer your destiny without seeking help from the future teller.