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兜帽脖子上搭着口音。Cowl neck with draped accents.

僧袍不能使人成为僧侣。The cowl does not make the monk.

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开始下雨时,他就戴上了风帽。He put on his cowl when It'started raining.

她滑步行至我的书桌,像黄瓜一样的罩。She sashayed up to my desk cowl as a cucumber.

“那么,牛到哪去了?”老师又问。"Well, but where is the cowl"the teacher asked again.

泰斯拉一把抓住假摄政王的肉甲,把他拖到地上跪下。Tesla grabbed the false Regent by the cowl and dragged him to his knees.

从右前罩板外侧孔切断同轴电线保护环。Disengage the coaxial cable grommet from the hole in the right cowl side outer panel.

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然后我画的船体和整流罩汽车入门级的汽车零部件商店。I then painted the hull and cowl with automotive grade primer from the auto parts store.

他们安装在船体和重视罩容易和住宿稳妥运行时。They mount to the hull and attach to the cowl easily and stay securely fastened when running.

正因如此,所有高个儿女性都应该至少拥有一款永恒风格的套头围巾。For this reason alone, all tall women should pick up at least one infinity-style cowl neck scarf.

他的脸上披着一条亚麻头巾,两只眼睛看起来就像烧红的煤碳。Over his face hung a cowl of grey linen, and through the eyelets his eyes gleamed like red coals.

图片显示由螺丝固定在护舷和整流罩的撑架也系在浮潜装置上。Image shows bracket bolted to fender and cowl piece attached back to the fender after installation of snorkel.

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每个人都穿着朴素的黄褐色僧衣,一修士头巾遮住头,只有手露在外面,交叉着祈祷。Each man was cloaked in a plain russet frock, a cowl concealing his head, only his hands visible, folded in prayer.

拆下固定右门梁饰板和右仪表板边上饰板于右门通路梁螺丝。Remove the screw that secures the right door sill trim and the right cowl side trim to the right door opening sill.

在冬季,他们穿著自己的脖子之间的整流罩和习惯的一轮地幔几乎达到了膝盖。In winter they wear about their necks between the cowl and the habit the round mantle which almost reaches the knees.

我的守卫找到了你兄弟的衣服,还有修道士的蒙头斗篷。你在为你的叛国者父亲当间谍吗?My guards have found your brother's clothes, as well as a monk 's cowl. Are you spying on me for your traitor of father?

拆下风扇整流罩门的吊点填充堵头。保留好堵头待工作结束时安装。A. Remove the filler plugs of the hoist points from the fan cowl door. Keep the plugs for installations when the task is completed.

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排气筒用于高架排放废气和有害气体,通常配置伞型风帽以避雨水。Stacks for discharging waste air or harmful gases into atmosphere are in most cases headed with a canopy cowl for rainfall protection.

套头领已经逐渐成为高个儿女性的新宠—网式织物让女性的脖子部分成为闪光点,同时又让脸部成为了关注焦点。Cowl necks tend to be a flattering look on tall women—the draping fabric highlights the long neck while drawing attention toward the face.

从X-35到F-35,进气道前缘的几何外形有所改变,新的外形能够在引擎高攻角的情况下提供更理想的气流。The geometry of the cowl itself changed from X-35 to F-35. The new geometry provides better airflow into the engine at higher angles of attack.