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一名50岁的英国人,死于致命狂笑。A 50 year-old English, died due to fatal hilarity.

不过,每天早晨穿衣服还是制造了一点小小的欢娱。Still it makes for a bit of hilarity in the tent every morning.

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我脑子里的声音是怎么回事?这也是笑话的一部分?What about the voices in my head? Is that part of the hilarity?

快乐、高兴,甚至欢喜都不太合适。Happiness, elation, and even hilarity don't quite fit, to his mind.

我也跟着紧张兮兮地笑了起来,但愿这只是一个玩笑。I joined in the laughter with more than a touch of nervous hilarity.

乔怀疑了无论他们的装规矩将会毁灭事物或增加甚至更多的欢闹心情。Joe wondered whether their prudery would ruin things, or add even more hilarity.

如果你以前从没看过“三分钱歌剧”,你会为剧中狂欢的氛围感到惊讶。If you've never seen "The Threepenny Opera" before, its hilarity may surprise you.

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然后,绿色的牛奶将她们的牙齿染成了绿色、舌头染成了绿色,又是一个滑稽源。Then the green milk dyed their teeth and tongues green, another source of hilarity.

这款鞋的设计师们称,他们在设计时考虑了“可爱、活泼和时髦”等元素。The designers say they had 'fun, hilarity and glamour' in mind when they created the shoes.

在遭受攻击的各国家首都,起初的欢乐早就被绝望取代。Initial hilarity in the capitals of the countries so attacked has long given way to despair.

几天后,弗格森爵士倒是会以很开心甚至很赞赏的口吻跟别人说起这件事。Days later Sir Alex Ferguson will recount the tale with relish, hilarity and even admiration.

悬疑、欢喜和诱惑让你沉浸其中,直到苦乐参半吸引人的的结局。The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in 'till the bittersweet enthralling end.

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马利很适合当选,而且这本书以欢愉爱慕之情描述他的资格。Still, Marley was a strong candidate, and the book describes his qualifications with hilarity and affection.

许多节日和祭祀仪式都始终给旅游者留下了喜庆或庄严的深刻印象。The many festivals and sacrificial rites unfailingly impress visitors with their hilarity or solemnity, as the case may be.

让区内街坊感受国庆大日子的热闹气氛,在团结和谐的气氛下一起庆祝。To spread the hilarity of the National Day to local residents and take forward celebrations in a united and concordant manner.

<骑呢大帝>经已赢尽观众及影评齐声赞赏,爆笑动画场面一浪紧接一浪,为全家带来震撼欢乐。Audiences and critics alike raved about this hilarious animated adventure that's full of fast-paced hilarity for the whole family.

终于老板大发善心,暑期来临,我终于可以进入惨无人道的复习状态了。Finally, my boss became so benevolent that we have a summer holiday this year. Now I can review GRE inhumanly eventually. Hilarity or wrench?

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他盯着我看了很长时刻,长得我都不愿意去回瞪他了,因为担忧这样下去,我也许会会扇他耳光,或是会高声的冷笑他。He fixed his eye on me longer than I cared to return the stare, for fear I might be tempted either to box his ears or render my hilarity audible.

来自中国的天才少年,凭借其纯净的心灵和过硬的技巧,将这些音乐弹奏得纯真而欢愉,充分显现了其演释和解读莫扎特音乐的能力。With the elaborately selected music and the gifted rendition of Mozart, the talented young Chinese delivers hilarity and naivety to his listeners.

这款鞋的设计师们称,他们在设计时考虑了“可爱、活泼和时尚”等元素。生产商则称这款鞋是“专为女宝宝设计的首款高跟鞋”。The designers say they had 'fun, hilarity and glamour' in mind when they created the shoes. They are marketing as a first high heel for baby girls.