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你是个困恼的男人。You are one distracted guy.

他用谈话分散她的注意力。He distracted her with talk.

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他因忧虑而心烦意乱。He was distracted by anxiety.

人们很容易走神。People are easily distracted.

但在我而言,上帝心神不宁。But in my case, God was distracted.

看来没法子分散你的注意力。I see you are not to be distracted.

我丢了照相机心颂意乱的。I'm distracted by losing my camera.

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她被一件发生的事弄得心烦意乱。She was distracted at some occurrence.

音乐使她无法专心工作。The music distracted her from her work.

中国聚精会神,我们心浮气躁。China feels focused. We feel distracted.

我们不会在控制台上分心。We will not be distracted on the console.

我们都很了解,人都是很容易分心的。Dudes get distracted easily, we know this.

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我不希望被别人分神。I do not wish to be distracted by another.

不要忘记它,不要从它上感到枯燥不安。Don’t forget it, don’t be distracted from it.

她改变了自己原有的兴趣。She was distracted from her original interest.

我被难住了。I was stumped. Where was the distracted father?

就完成单个任务,不要分散你的注意力。Single-task and don’t get distracted from them.

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可是他一直分神而忘了数的数字。But he kept getting distracted and losing count.

我们将不会在人造卫星工作中分心。We will not be distracted working on the orbiters.

她被一场与男友的争吵弄得心烦意乱。She was distracted at a quarrel with her boyfriend.