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她是一个冒失的孩子。She is a pert child.

她戴著一顶雅致的小帽子。She wore a pert little hat.

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她头戴一顶小巧别致的帽子。She is wearing a pert little hat.

我不喜欢你那说话没礼貌的样子。I don't like your pert way of speaking.

这个悍然的命令就像晶体物质一般。The pert injunction was like those crystal substances.

这种人鲁莽无礼,总是摆出一幅有极高智商的神态。Now a prig is a pert fellow who gives himself airs of superior wisdom.

首先,注意观察Polaris项目和PERT图的产出报告。First of all, note the reported outcome of the Polaris project and PERT.

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在PERT技术中运用对偶理论,为敏度分析创造了必要条件。Prerequisite for dual theory and sensitivity analysis in PERT is set up.

她头上的小帽子镶有面纱,脖子和手上都挂着她母亲的钻石。She wore a pert little hat with a veil, and her mother's diamonds at her throat and wrist.

和MC方法相比,这种修正PERT方法,其有较高的计算精度。Compared with the MC method, the modified PERT method has comparably computational precision.

要擦防晒霜。至少在眼睛周围,和你现在完美唇形的上唇边缘要擦。Wear sunscreen. At least around your eyes and above your currently pert upper lip's cupid's bow.

进入21世纪,南通港具有良好的优势和发展机遇,但也面临着严峻的挑战和威胁。In the 21st century, Nantong pert takes better development opportunity and encounters fierce challenges.

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本文介绍用计算机自动生成PERT图时的结点逻编定位算法。This paper presents the algorithm of logical position of the nodes with computer-generated PERT schematics.

并对关键链项目管理方法与传统的项目管理方法,如关键路径法、计划评审技术的优势和劣势进行了比较。Then analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional scheduling management method by comparison, such as CPM, PERT.

运用计算机辅助作网络计划图和网络仿真,使网络计划方法更为方便实用和有效。It makes PERT method more convenient, practical and effective to draw the PERT diagram and carry out simulation with a computer.

本文通过利用稀疏矩阵及递归的方法,提出了一种PERT图在计算机中的链式存贮的存贮方法和计算方法的改进方案。This paper mainly introduces an improvement of linked representation of PERT graph and its method of calculation in the comuter.

通过对青海省碱茅属植物的研究,修订了青海省碱茅属植物分类系统。Classification system of Puccinellia pert in Qinghai Province was revised through the study of Puccinellia part in Qinghai Province.

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介绍了PERT网络图自动绘制中的一种自动确定网络结点位置的布点算法。A node arrangement algorithm of automatic determination of the network node position in the PERT network chart drawing is introduced.

本文给出一种新的计划网络图形,该留适子计算机屏幕表示,且算法简单,信息丰富而又简练。By comparing the merits and shortcomings of some diagrams often used, the paper gives an updated PERT diagram which can be displayed on the CRT.

南通港在今后的发展过程中应扬长避短,克服自身的不足,发挥自身的优势,尽快从大港走向强港。Hence, in future development, Nantong pert should take its advantages and overcome its disadvantages to develop the large port to powerful port.