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不合格统计和分析。Make statistic and analysis nonconformity.

不合格确认,统计和分析。Verify, make statistic and analysis nonconformity.

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他不守规则的态度令管理层十分头痛。His nonconformity was a headache for the management.

坏球旅行者克里斯吉尔博写在另类艺术中。World traveler Chris Guillebeau writes at The Art of Nonconformity.

当发现一个不符合项,应当具有纠正和纠正措施两项活动。Both correction and corrective action should be expected when there is a detected nonconformity.

鼓励不一致和不同意见的群体是否比不鼓励那样做的群体运行得更好?Do groups that encourage nonconformity and disagreement function better than those that discourage it?

我相信你也在诸如“不墨守成规的艺术”及“开启心智”这类博客中看到了这种策略被极力奉行。I think you see this strategy being pursued with vengeance through blogs like The Art of Nonconformity and Illuminated Mind.

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对于其工作影响质量的人员,必须告知不符合质量要求对顾客的后果。Personnel whose work can affect quality shall be informed about the consequences to the customer of nonconformity to quality requirements.

尽管在他们约会以及同住的时候他偶尔穿着异性服装,这令戴安感到震惊,但她也只是把这当做他愚蠢的非主流表现的一部分罢了。Though it shocked her, she dismissed the occasional cross-dressing as they dated and lived together as just part of his nerdy nonconformity.

她们被问及关于性环境和性行为以及一系列相关性别错位的问题。They were asked questions about their sexual attractions and behaviour, and a series of follow up questions about their gender nonconformity.

弥尔顿在这段中注入了一个很强烈的思想,我也不清楚,我们怎么叫这种思想呢?这种性别的不一致和文化的相对性。Milton's infusing this passage with a powerful sense of -- I don't know, what can we call it? -- of gender nonconformity and cultural relativity.

除了处于对音乐的爱好之外,在乐队演出也是成名的方法之一——这点对当地女孩尤为管用,可以赚点儿钱,还能标榜他们的特立独行。Besides the musical satisfaction, playing in a band was a way to be somebody —especially with the local girls—to make some money and exert their nonconformity.

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在违反制度和疑心两个维度上,重点校学生的攻击性水平显著高于普通校学生。On the dimensions of nonconformity and suspiciousness, common school students' aggressiveness level was significantly higher than that of key school students'.

假若你不认为有足够的不符合事项的证据,陈述你的理由。并且说明稽核员应该采取那些进一步的行动。If you do not think that there is sufficient evidence of nonconformity , state the reasons for your decision and state also what further actions the auditor should take.

供方必须在适用的情况下实施所采用的纠正措施及其实施的控制,来消除在其它类似的过程和产品中存在的不合格原因。Where applicable the supplier shall apply the corrective action taken, and controls implemented, to eliminate the cause of nonconformity to other similar processes and products.

如果有不符合项,使用审核措施记录表。识别所有适用的要求,包括API规范,组织的质量手册及程序文件等。If there is nonconformity use the Audit Action Record form. Identify all applicable requirements therein, including the API Spec, Organization's Quality Manual and procedures, etc.

当在交付或开始使用后发现产品不合格时,组织必须采取与不合格的影响或潜在影响的程度相适应的措施。When nonconforming product is detected after delivery or use has started, the organization shall take action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the nonconformity.

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我们认为环境和遗传因素驱动着其他机制的发展,例如受到子宫内性激素的刺激会形成不同的性取向,以及造成行为和自身性别相符或偏差。‘We think environmental factors and genetics drive other mechanisms, like exposure to sex hormones in the womb, to shape differences in gender nonconformity and sexuality simultaneously.’

协助质量经理执行质量审核程序,确保每年定期审核所有培训程序,向质量经理提供观察到的不符合项或低于标准项。Assist Quality Manager to implement quality audit procedures to make sure annual periodic auditing all training procedures. Provide Nonconformity items or sub-standard items to Quality Manager.

已对上一次审核结果进行了评审,特别是确保对所提出的不符合项已采取适当的纠正措施。The results of the last audit of this system have been reviewed, in particular to assure appropriate correction and corrective action has been implemented to address any nonconformity identified.