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卡鲁阿巴西东北部一城市,位于累西腓西部。A city of northeastern Brazil west of Recife.

警察禁止我们记者从累西菲进入巴西。The police prohibited us reporters entering Brazil at Recife.

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是巴西最古老的居住地之一,始建于1535年。RECIFE is one of the oldest settlements in Brazil, dating from 1535.

遗体和残骸将从那儿被运往西北部的海岸城市累西腓进行确认。From there, remains and debris will be taken to the northeastern coastal city of Recife for identification.

巴西东北部一城市,位于累西腓西部。是一个制造和加工业中心。人口37,502。A city of northeastern Brazil west of Recife. It is a manufacturing and processing center. Population, 37,502.

巴西东北部一城市,位于累西腓西部。是一个制造和加工业中心。人口137,502。A city of northeastern Brazil west of Recife. It is a manufacturing and processing center. Population, 137,502.

大部分的法医工作是在另一个地方进行的,但对尸体最终的检测则要在累西腓进行。Much of the forensic work took place at another site, but final examinations of the bodies were done in Recife.

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当时飞机离开巴西海岸200英里,已经处于最近的巴西累西腓雷达站的范围之外。The flight, over 200 miles off the coast at that time, was already beyond the reach of the nearest Brazilian radar in Recife.

巴西中东部的一个城市,位于大西洋附近累西腓东南偏南。A city of east-central Brazil near the Atlantic Ocean south-southeast of Recife. It is a commercial center in a cotton- and sugar-producing region.

在伯南布哥州首府累西腓的奥斯瓦尔多·克鲁兹大学医院,医生们计划在国际医学杂志上出版这份巴西病例的详细情况。Doctors at the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital in the state capital Recife plan to publish details of the Brazilian case in an international medical journal.

巴西中东部的一个城市,位于大西洋附近累西腓东南偏南。它是产棉产糖区的商业中心。人口287,934。A city of east-central Brazil near the Atlantic Ocean south-southeast of Recife. It is a commercial center in a cotton- and sugar-producing region. Population, 287,934.