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他的分析真是入木三分。His analysis was really penetrating.

劣质香水的味道太冲了。The odor of cheap perfume is penetrating.

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老王的分析真是入木三分。Lao Wang's analysis was really penetrating.

这篇杂文极为深刻有力。The essay is most penetrating and powerful.

总统的目光冷峻刺人。The President's look was cold and penetrating.

周总理头脑异常敏锐。Premier Zhou has an extremely penetrating mind.

演讲内容十分深刻、精辟。President Hu's speech is profound and penetrating.

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这篇评论对那部小说的分析鞭辟入里。The review made a penetrating analysis of that novel.

这些评价非常中肯,也都入木三分的。The fair and impartial evaluation, also penetrating the.

眼球破裂可继发于钝挫伤或穿透性损伤。Globe rupture can occur secondary to blunt or penetrating trauma.

请将这个穿舱件改成水密的。Please change this penetrating piece into watertight construction.

研究了基于HTTP隧道的防火墙穿透通信技术。Reasearch the firewall penetrating technology based on HTTP-tunnel.

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你的精神比其他人更具有直觉性的穿透力。Your spirit more than others of the penetrating power of intuition.

关于它是重实效的意思,它可能是强有力和渗透的。As for it's pragmatic meaning, it could be forceful and penetrating.

对已成面板进行详细的检查,面板无贯穿性裂缝。Detailed check showed that there were no penetrating cracks on deck.

中场的抢断和穿透性的出球是我们需要的。Tackling well and playing penetrating balls from midfield are vital.

重的高斯大炮是更效果的在敏锐的车辆装甲。The Heavy Gauss Cannon is more effective at penetrating vehicle armor.

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单纯疱疹病毒很熟练地穿透皮肤并进入神经链路。HSV is adept at penetrating the dermis and reaching the nerve pathways.

必须修改贯穿式轨道和非贯穿式轨道的概念。The concepts of penetrating and non-penetrating orbits must be modified.

它集成了一个不锈钢表壳和穿透杀爆弹头。It incorporates a steel case and penetrating blast-fragmentation warhead.