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那个女孩是个乞丐吗?Is that girl a beggar?

叫化鸡是什么?What is Beggar Chicken?

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乞丐大声咒骂。The beggar cursed loudly.

这是打发叫花子吗?This is a beggar sent it?

一个要饭的人敲了一下门。A beggar knocked at the door.

他同乞丐一样穷,即穷如乞丐。He's no richer than a beggar.

那狗朝乞丐扑去。The dog lunged at the beggar.

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那乞丐由于饥饿晕了过去。The beggar fainted from hunger.

这个“乞丐”穿着破衣烂衫。The beggar was dressed in rags.

他扔给乞丐一便士。He tossed a penny to the beggar.

疲倦的乞丐低声地祈祷。The weary beggar droned a prayer.

他向乞丐丢去了几个硬币。He threw some coins to the beggar.

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我愿做赠予者,不愿做乞讨者。I want to be a giver not a beggar.

乞丐向我讨了20便士。The beggar tapped me for 20 pence.

乞丐会早于一个拦路贼歌唱。A beggar may sing before a footpad.

一个乞丐常在这条街上游荡。A beggar often wanders this street.

那个有钱人挥手把乞丐赶走了。The rich man waved the beggar away.

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那个乞丐已饿得半死。The beggar was half-dead from hunger.

那个老乞丐蓬头垢面。The old beggar was dirty and unkempt.

那乞丐上前向贵妇人讨钱。The beggar accosted the lady for money.