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是的,就是那个理查德斯托曼。Yes, that Richard Stallman.

斯托尔曼表示这可能只需要两三个月的时间。Stallman said it should take only a couple of months.

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Stallman先生将在这儿与我们分享他对诸多话题的看法.Here Mr. Stallman shares his thoughts on a number of topics.

1990年,斯多尔曼被授予麦克阿瑟基金会奖金。Stallman was awarded a MacArthur Foundation fellowship in 1990.

但一段时间之后,他什么也没有做出来,所以,理查德·斯托尔曼指示布赖恩写一个shell。After some time, he had produced nothing, so Richard Stallman directed Brian to write a shell.

他们甚至不需要出示搜查令就可在公司服务服务器上查看用户数据。They may not even need to show a search warrant to the company storing consumers' data on its servers, Stallman contended.

虽然法官史托曼否决让示威者马上回到公园的要求,但潜在问题仍是悬而未决。Although Justice Michael Stallman denied the protesters' request to return to the park immediately, their underlying case remains pending.

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该组织的创办者还补充称,尽管销售盗版文件是错误的行为,但免费分发拷贝则是性质完全不同的。FSF founder Richard Stallman added that while the selling of illegally licensed content is wrong, free distribution is altogether different.

如果人们无法控制他们的数据,它们可以被当局几乎随意地访问,那他们为什么会把它们放在云端?Why would people put their data on the cloud if they don't have control over it and it can be seized almost at will by the authorities, as Stallman contended?

其他人几乎每个都把这个系统简称为Linux,这使Stallman痛苦,因为内核Linux是建立在他在GNU环境中提供的软件基础上的。Almost everyone else calls the system simply Linux, which pains Stallman because the kernel Linux is built upon the software base that he provided in the GNU environment.

一旦有密码系统安装,斯托曼就将它破解,然后设为空密码并发邮件告诉同事们。When a password system was installed, Stallman broke it down, resetting passwords to null strings, then sent users messages informing them of the removal of the password system.

理查德·斯多尔曼深刻地批判了私权软件体制,这种批判不仅是理论上的,更是通过自由软件运动的实际发展现实地展开的。Richard Stallman deeply criticized the proprietary software system, and his criticism is not only limited in theory but also expanded through the practical developing reality of.

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他描述了理查德.斯托尔曼为争夺Emacs的未来的斗争,包括斯托尔曼的发明被指控违反版权法的奇怪案件。He outlines the battle Richard Stallman fought over the future of Emacs, which included the strange case of Stallman being accused of violating the copyright on something he invented.