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大多数工人是当地的盖丘亚族人。Most of the workers are indigenous Quechua people.

在克丘亚印地安语中,萨班卡亚是“火舌”的意思。The name Sabancaya means “tongue of fire” in the Quechua Indian language.

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一个人给了自己6分,解释为,“我希望自己再长高3英寸,并且能够流利地讲盖丘亚语。”one man gave himself only a 6, explaining, “I would like to be three inches taller and speak Quechua fluently.

盖丘亚人停止所有工作来纪念旱季的到来,并通过传统的战斗,宗教仪式和集会来庆祝节日。The Quechua mark the arrival of the dry season by halting all work and celebrating with ritual fights, religious ceremonies, and meetings.

现在,他走入矿道,用当地的盖丘亚族语喃喃自语,向统治山脉和金矿的神灵祈祷。Now, heading into the tunnel, he mumbles a prayer in his native Quechua language to the deity who rules the mountain and all the gold within.

大多数工人是当地的盖丘亚族人。他们大多数世代在这里工作并且在这里居住在不太安全的盐矿地上。Most of the workers are indigenous Quechua people. They have been working here for generations and live precariously on the outskirts of the salt mines.

2011年6月5日,总统竞选决胜阶段,秘鲁的奥兰塔坦波村,一位盖丘亚族妇女背着她的孩子在投票。A Quechua indigenouswoman votes as she carries her child during the presidential runoff election inOllantaytambo village in Peru, on Sunday June 5, 2011.

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此工作坊是同系列的其中一个,五个族群各自派出两名译经员参加。Ten mother tongue translators, two from each of five different Quechua language groups, are participating through March 6 in one of a series of Old Testament workshops.

在这些模式中,语言总是消亡,从某种程度上来说,与历史资料也有一个不祥的呼应。英语摧毁了苏格兰盖尔士语和威尔士语,西班牙语又是如何统治了盖丘亚语。In these models one language always died out and showed an ominous fit with historical data on the way English has crushed Scottish Gaelic and Welsh, and how Spanish dominates Quechua.

该模式包括直立分娩体位所用的绳索和条凳、在分娩过程中允许家人和传统接生婆加入以及说盖丘亚语。The model involves features such as a rope and bench for vertical delivery position, inclusion of family and traditional birth attendants in the delivery process and use of the Quechua language.