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在英国他们叫作房地产经纪人。In england they call a realtor a land agent.

房屋中介告诉我这间公寓己经租出去了。The realtor told me this apartment has been rented.

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房地产经纪人鲍勃比勒一直住在这里他的整个69岁。Realtor Bob Biller has lived here his entire 69 years.

很喜欢这个地区,这一条商店街,于是去找地产经纪。So I went to a realtor. And I liked this area, the shopping street.

还没.但房屋经纪人保证说卖掉这房子没问题.Not yet, but the realtor has assured us that it shouldn`t be a problem to sell it.

“那个房地产经纪人想和你谈谈,”他解释说,非常小心地看着路。"The realtor wanted to talk to you," he explains, very carefully watching the path.

于是我们一起前往房地产经纪的店铺,把这公寓租下来。And then she went to the realtor shop with me together, and I rented this apartment.

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据称,灵感源自一个名叫"与我的房子约会"的电视节目。A realtor said he got the "sleepover" idea from the television network show "Date My House."

然后我问了一个做房地产经纪的朋友,问她是否知道有待租的独立公寓或者小镇上的房子。Later I asked a realtor friend if she knew of any small condos or town homes available to rent.

一位房地产经纪人带着沮丧的神情回到家里。One realtor I know occasionally comes home discouraged, but she has an agreement with her husbanc.

保罗决定通过房屋中介,省去到城里到处乱找的麻烦。Paul decides to go through a realtor to save himself the trouble of running all over town looking.

第二天房屋中介打来电话,请求交纳房租及换锁费和违约金,以此非常的苦恼。The next day the realtor calls, and pay the rent and change request, to lock fees and penalty is distressed.

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那大块挂在我们房子外面的墙板---告诉房地产商把它叫做‘不炫耀的阳台’。That big chunk of siding that hangs off the side of our house---tell the realtor to call it an 'unpretentious balcony'.

一位房地产经纪人带着沮丧的神情回到家里。One realtor I know occasionally comes home discouraged, but she has an agreement with her husband that covers circumstance.

这个人说,找到合适的房子已经够麻烦的了,但这跟经纪人让我签字的那些文件相比,简直就是小巫见大巫。Finding a house to buy was complicated enough. But that's nothing compared to all the paperwork my realtor is asking me to sign.

依我之见,在购买预建共管柏文之前,做足研究,让您的地产经纪向正确的方向引导您。What my advice is?Do your research prior to buying a pre construction condo and have your realtor guide you in the right direction.

虽然房地产经纪人摸索的钥匙,并试图找出如何打开门,站在客户的背后,环顾四周。While the Realtor fumbles for keys and tries to figure out how to open the door, the clients are standing behind and looking around.

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我父母把他们的个人事务安排得令人起疑地井然有序,下至写在一张贴在冰箱上的纸条上的一个房地产经纪人的姓名和电话号码。My parents left their personal affairs suspiciously in order, down to the name and number of a realtor on a note taped to the fridge.

如果你没有得到你和你的房地产经纪人觉得值得的交易,不要害怕放弃,尽管去看您计画去看的下一栋房子。If you are not getting the deal you and your Realtor feel you deserve, do not be afraid to walk away, and look at the next home on your list.

加洛韦也在同她的兄弟在新奥尔良尝试经营冷冻酸奶店,但她说,她仍然认为自己首先是一名房地产经纪人。Ms. Galloway is also exploring a frozen-yogurt franchise with her brother in New Orleans, but says she still considers herself primarily a Realtor.